
David Remnick Loves Porn-Obsessed Sex Comic

Hamilton Nolan · 04/19/10 01:23PM

In your comment-free Monday media column: Tracy Morgan sits at the fancy table, rumors of a departure from Vogue, the WSJ targets NYT advertisers, everyone wants student newspapers to shut up, and black reporters are disappearing fast.

Chicks Don't Know How Good They Have It

Hamilton Nolan · 01/28/10 01:46PM

In a new survey, male and female business professionals both agree that entry-level jobs are gender-neutral—but about twice as many men as women said executive-level jobs are equally open to both sexes. Among those men: your boss. [WSJ]

The*Real* Idiot's Guide to Workplace Racism

Hamilton Nolan · 05/13/09 04:45PM

We live in a racist world, but the Delaware Department of Transportation is doing something about it: issuing a hilarious memo! Who wrote this, some "retard" "homo" "typical white person?" Below, the best idiot guidelines:

Montel Williams: He's Back!

Hamilton Nolan · 03/11/09 04:03PM

Hey, empathetic bald man Montel Williams is "getting his own national radio show through a multi-year deal with Air America Radio," which is kinda like Maury Povich getting a "national" column in Steppin Out.

This Year's Most Fashionable Holiday Party Accessories Are Black People

Hamilton Nolan · 12/09/08 11:03AM

Now that Obama has been elected, a tipster inside a PR firm tells us, clients are demanding "an increased number of African Americans added to the guest list" at their holiday parties. In the spirit of hope! The email can't really be "verified," but appears genuine and is just too important not to share. This firm has even assembled an official internal "Diversified Holiday Guest List," in which they rank the top 10 acceptable black socialite attendees, in order of desirability. Uh... yes we can? After the jump, meet the fashion world's ten favorite African-Americans for Obama-era parties. Jesus christ:

Gays Want Nicer Ads

Hamilton Nolan · 09/23/08 04:51PM

A nonprofit group called Commercial Closet is trying to persuade the ad industry to be less stereotypical when it comes to portraying LGBT issues (THE GAYS). That would mean not making ads like that one Nike ad with the balls in the face or that other Snickers ad with Mr. T and the gun aimed at the possibly gay individual. Considering how much progress the ad industry has made with the race issue, we'd bet on South Carolina levels of sensitivity for the foreseeable future. Keep your gay cooties out of Bill O'Reilly's mayonnaise, homos. [Ad Age]

Advertising's Race Problem

Hamilton Nolan · 07/08/08 01:14PM

The advertising industry is too white! It's been an issue forever-see any episode of Mad Men for the historical perspective. Two years ago the NYC Commission on Human Rights decided to hold hearings about diversity in advertising, and all the big ad agency conglomerates enthusiastically signed on. Declaring a firm commitment to diversity is a modern hallmark of the ad industry, along with every other industry. Since diversity hasn't been achieved, of course, the hearings drag on to this day. But Ad Age reports that at last night's meeting, only six white people showed up, and "two were members of the commission, two were lawyers and one was a journalist." That's problematic, since white people are supposed to be the ones getting educated here. And they got called on it: