
The Stone Age Swedish Penis Carving

Max Read · 07/23/10 02:26AM

Archaeologists in Sweden have discovered a stone age antler carving in an "erected-penis-like-shape." Is it an "ancient dildo"? Maybe! It could also be a tool for "chipping flakes of flint." But, come on, that's not as fun. [Live Science]

British People Are 800,000 Years Old

Max Read · 07/08/10 01:06AM

Paleontologists have discovered evidence of human habitation in Britain dating back almost a million years—possibly the "oldest uncontested site of human occupation of Europe." How did they figure this all out? Thanks to hyena poop, naturally.

Fish 'Mustache' May Be Used for Fish Oral Sex

Max Read · 06/30/10 12:04AM

Why does the male Mexican molly fish have an 'extravagant moustache-like structure' on its top lip? German and American scientists may have discovered the answer: Because female fish dig it. For oral sex.

Scientists Create Incredibly Black Material

Max Read · 06/14/10 01:12AM

Scientists have formed a "metamaterial"—made of components smaller than certain wavelengths of light—so black it reflects almost no light. How much more black could this be? The answer is none. None more black. [New Scientist]

Exploding Stars: Your New Cure for Osteoporosis

Max Read · 05/20/10 03:11AM

Astronomers have found a kind of supernova that barfs calcium as it dies, and think such supernovae could be behind the abundance of calcium in our universe. No word on if they're better than Tums, or what. [LAT]

You Are Part Neanderthal, Probably

Max Read · 05/07/10 01:48AM

Scientists working on sequencing the Neanderthal genome have discovered that 1 to 4 percent of most people's DNA is inherited from Neanderthals, proving that even back then most people were sluts who would really just sleep with whoever. [CSM]

Scientists Create Clouds with Laser Beam

Max Read · 05/02/10 08:00PM

A group of scientists were able to strip electrons from atoms, encouraging "the formation of hydroxyl radicals." In layman's terms, they created clouds with a laser beam. In X-Men terms, they combined Storm with Cyclops. [New Scientist; Getty]

Giant Scary Lizard Is Really Nice

Hamilton Nolan · 04/07/10 12:53PM

This giant speckled beady-eyed six-foot reptile from the Philippines has been declared a new species. It "feasts on fruits and snails rather than carcasses." Sure, sure. You can pat it. [AP]

Haters Trying to Hate on Sexy Female Sex Pill

Hamilton Nolan · 11/17/09 11:09AM

Sexy scientists say that they have, for real, no playing, discovered a drug that boosts female sexual desire. Everything is better now! But who's that trying throw salt in your female sex drug game? Haterz!

Life Releases Newly Discovered Marilyn Monroe Photos

The Cajun Boy · 06/01/09 08:35PM

In 1950 Life photographer Ed Clark received a call from an executive at 20th Century Fox lauding a "hot tomato" the studio had signed. She was an unknown named Marilyn Monroe. Clark photographed her later that year in Los Angeles' Griffith Park. Never-used negatives from the shoot were recently discovered.

Former I-Bankers Guide You Through Hidden New York

Hamilton Nolan · 10/20/08 10:09AM

So, have you been keeping up with these two laid-off 20-something investment bankers who are now giving you their unfiltered perspective online at With their newfound free time, they turn up hidden gems about life in the gritty city: "Trader Joe’s at 14th St and 3rd Ave is an oasis in the desert of the Manhattan eating scene," they discover. "At TJ’s, you can find natural organic snacks along with delicious easy to prepare frozen meals. Surprisingly, these meals are also relatively healthy and best of all, cheap." Just goes to show that the best and the brightest can thrive in any environment.