
Scientists Figure Out the Point of Sex

Max Read · 07/09/11 01:44PM

Finally, after over a century of debate, scientists seem to have answered the thorny question of sex, and, specifically, why.

Blackbeard's Anchor Recovered off North Carolina

Max Read · 05/28/11 01:29PM

Divers off the coast of North Carolina recovered the third-largest anchor from what's believed to be the remains of the pirate Blackbeard's ship, Queen Anne's Revenge. It's 11 feet and four inches long (seven feet, seven inches wide), and covered — as you can see — with gross ocean stuff. No word on whether or not it's haunted.

Seventeen New Pyramids Discovered from Space

Max Read · 05/25/11 06:14PM

Pyramids, being rather large, are not really the kinds of things one expects to be lost easily. And yet! Seventeen new (well, not "new," but) pyramids have been identified through the use of satellite imaging, which can see underground.

Scientists Discover 657 New Islands

Max Read · 04/19/11 08:59PM

Scientists who study islands have apparently been sleeping on the job for years, because get this: Researchers have discovered 657 new islands around the world, making for a grand total of 2,149.

Sexy Neanderthals Wore Feathers

Max Read · 02/23/11 12:57AM

Italian paleoanthopologist Marco Peresani found a bunch of bird bones in the "Grotto of Smoke," a site known for being "loaded with Neanderthal bones." And he's got a theory: They wore them! As accessories! Fashion!!

Turns Out Comic Sans Is Good for Something

Max Read · 01/14/11 01:45AM

Poor Comic Sans! The favorite font of administrative assistants and H.R. representatives everywhere is deeply hated by so-called "design nerds." But guess what, design nerds? Poor unpopular Comic Sans might actually have a beneficial use. Because it's so horrifically ugly.

Scientists Unlock Secret to Male Pattern Baldness

Max Read · 01/05/11 03:40AM

A group of scientists believe they've figured out the "root cause" (ha ha) of male pattern baldness. It's witchcraft! No, actually, it's stem cells. And if you want to get rich off a "cure" for baldness, you'd better get cracking.

Possibly Habitable Planet Discovered Nearby

Max Read · 09/30/10 01:25AM

Astronomers have discovered a possibly Earth-like—and therefore possibly liveable—planet in a star system 20 light years away, which is pretty close, in galactic terms. But can we all move to that planet when we've finished destroying this one?

Your Pants Are Lying to You About How Thin You Are

Max Read · 09/07/10 11:44PM

Most guys have probably guessed that mainstream clothing companies are a little bit... generous with their measurements. But they probably haven't guessed how generous. The Dockers 36-inch waist? Actually 39.5 inches around. And they're not even the worst offenders.