
Russia Is On Fire

Jeff Neumann · 08/01/10 01:14PM

Fires have been raging in Russia since last week due to record heat and dry fields and woodlands. Today, hundreds of new fires are raging and at least 28 people had died as of Wednesday. [AP]

Screaming Profanity Will Save the Gulf

Hamilton Nolan · 07/30/10 03:03PM

Unfuck The Gulf: the charity that lets you buy a t-shirt, contribute to charity, and watch small children screaming "fuck" on video, all for a good cause. Well. It probably wasn't necessary to use children, technically. Fucking BP!

The Other Oil Spill: Michigan Gets a Taste

Jeff Neumann · 07/29/10 05:03AM

The estimates on the oil spill in southern Michigan's Kalamazoo River are getting worse, with the EPA last night saying there could be one million gallons of oil in the water. And this is not the oil company's first spill.

BP's Tony Hayward Has One Foot Out the Door

Jeff Neumann · 07/25/10 09:03AM

After a storied 28-year career with BP, CEO Tony Hayward is said to be on his way out after discussing an "exit deal," with an announcement expected in the next 24 hours. Happy trails, Tony. We hardly knew you. [BBC]

New Oil Spill Buzzword: 'Seep'

Jeff Neumann · 07/19/10 04:12AM

Remember the heady days of last weekend, when it seemed that BP had finally capped the leaky oil well? So much for that! Government tests yesterday detected a "seep a distance from the well." [Bloomberg; pic: AP]