
Pareene · 10/15/07 09:50AM

Former New Jersey first lady Dina Matos McGreevey was just on It's Your Call With Lynn Doyle on the Comcast network, and we learned a lot about gay Americans. Like: you're probably married to one right now! According to some graphic they showed, "there are an estimated 2 million marriages where one spouse is gay." There wasn't really a source for that number so we'll assume Lynn and Dina just gave their best guess. Also there was an insane return from commercial where they showed the USS New Jersey and Lynn said "it is appropriately lit in pink, for breast cancer awareness, and also appropriate because of our guest." Because an estimated 2 million husbands across the country are secretly captaining huge pink battleships, sailing through the strait of betrayal and torpedoing the Good Ship Family.

Book Review Checks Out Dina McGreevey's Butt

Emily · 05/02/07 05:46PM

In case you haven't made it to Borders yet, let me draw you the picture: She's walking away from the camera, in profile. (Great profile, by the way.) She's on the beach, in a light sweater and dark jeans rolled above the ankles. And I don't know if this overstepping bounds, but facts are facts: She's got a commendable can. A bountiful bottom. A terrific tush.

Dina McGreevey: "I Have To Be Jackie Kennedy!?"

Emily Gould · 05/02/07 11:20AM

On Oprah yesterday, the soon to be ex-wife of New Jersey's ex-governor debuted her candid tale of betrayal and heartbreak—at least, the parts of it the Post hasn't already covered—and also her adorable little-girl lisp. Here she's telling about how Jim "Gay American" McGreevey instructed her to behave like a certain heroic first lady. "Jackie Kennedy? Her husband was murdered!" Dina recalls saying. It's kind of the funniest Jackie reference since The House of Yes!

Alec Baldwin's Breakdown

Emily Gould · 04/26/07 09:20AM
  • "If I never acted again I couldn't care less," Alec Baldwin reportedly said while taping an episode of the View that will air Friday. He also said that he wanted to quit 30 Rock. Whee! [AP]

OMG, Dina McGreevey Knew Jim Was A Gay!

Emily · 04/23/07 04:20PM

The Post has such the exclusive scoop! Dina McGreevey totally knew that her almost ex-husband, former NJ governor Jim, liked other dudes even before the citizens of New Jersey learned about it via his famous "gay American" speech. (So apparently she's not a total idiot!) In his memoir The Confession, Jim implied that Dina didn't suspect his gayosity until 2002, when he says she asked him about the nature of his relationship with now-estranged aide Golan Cipel. But the Post's mysterious source maintains that Dina knew even before then: "As far as I know, she never really confronted anyone about it, she just kinda let it slide." [Ed. Note: That's what he said.] But why? We suppose we'll just have to hotly anticipate Dina's memoir—"due out May 1st," the Post helpfully reminds us—even more hotly.

Dina McGreevey Isn't Getting Any, Just FYI

Emily · 04/20/07 10:12AM

The custody battle between New Jersey's gay ex-governor and his straight almost-ex-wife continues to rage, just as her counter-memoir Silent Partner is being published. Random coincidence! Anyway, the latest bone of contention is whether the McGreeveys' daughter Jacqueline, 5, ought to be sharing a bed with Jim and his boyfriend (pictured). "It is one thing for children to sleep with a parent or parents. It is quite another for children to sleep with a parent and a third party...This situation is very different from our child getting in bed with me—there is never anyone else, male or female, in my bed," Dina said in a written response to Jim's divorce filing. Does that mean there won't be as many steamy lovemaking scenes in Silent Partner as there were in The Confession? Never mind then!

Dina McGreevey's Screaming, Feminine, Passionate Kind of Non-Love

Emily Gould · 01/18/07 01:10PM

It's been two years since the collapse of Dina McGreevey's "brokeback marriage" to Gay American and then-NJ Governor Jim McGreevey and one year (ish) since the publication of his softcore tell-all, The Confession. In other words: it's payback time! Today, Hyperion books (which used to employ one of us) announced plans to publish Dina's take on things. Her memoir, which will hit a bookstore near you in Spring 07, is entitled Silent Partner.