
Hilary Swank Wishes Chechnya's War Criminal President a Very Happy Birthday

Seth Abramovitch · 10/12/11 01:34AM

October 5th marked the 35th birthday of Chechnya's president, Ramzan Kadyrov, who was installed into office at age 30, three years after his father's assassination. Ramzan wanted celebrities at his party, and what Ramzan wants, Ramzan gets. So Hilary Swank, Jean-Claude Van Damme and Seal collected their checks, hopped a flight to Grozny, and got cozy with Ramzy!

Gaddafi Wife Has a Sexy Picture Scandal, Many Thong Panties

Maureen O'Connor · 10/11/11 11:35AM

Well, look what burbled up in the Turkish blogosphere: pictures of deposed Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi's son Hannibal cavorting with wife Aline Skaf, who familiarizes herself with "porn star" poses, in flammable-looking lingerie. You'd think all that blood money would pay for nicer panties?

Qaddafi to Enemies: You're All 'Scumbags'

Jeff Neumann · 09/08/11 04:04AM

Resilient crazy person Muammar Qaddafi — despite claims from Libya's transitional forces and just about everyone else that he's cornered in the Sahara, or in hiding in Niger, or sipping cocktails with Robert Mugabe — released a new audio message today to Al-Rai TV and (predictably) it's delusional:

The Creepy Secret Sex Den and Gynecological Center of Tripoli

Maureen O'Connor · 09/07/11 12:09PM

The legacy of Qaddafi's Libya keeps getting weirder. The new president of Tripoli's prestigious Fateh University recently discovered a mysterious subterranean complex under Green Theater, a center for studying Qaddafi's political manifesto the Green Book. The complex contains a bedroom, jacuzzis, mood lighting… and a fully equipped gynecological operating theater with klieg lights and an observation deck. So that's, uh, creepy. Take it away, horrified new university president:

Fugitive Qaddafi Son to World: 'Go to Hell'

Jeff Neumann · 08/23/11 04:20AM

Col. Muammar Qaddfi's high-profile son Seif al-Islam was said to have been captured late Sunday night by Libyan rebels — a claim that was repeated by the International Criminal Court in the Hague where Seif is charged with war crimes along with his father. But early this morning, Seif showed up at Tripoli's Rixos Hotel in a white limo to talk a little shit to foreign journalists. He even took reporters on a guided tour: "We are going to hit the hottest spots in Tripoli."

Where In The World Is Colonel Qaddafi?

Adrian Chen · 08/22/11 10:00AM

Libyan dictator Muammar Qaddafi's reign is crumbling; two of his sons have been captured. But as rebels besiege Qaddafi's Bab Azaziya compound, nobody knows where the gristle-headed strongman is. Is he cowering beneath a human shield of Amazonian bodyguards in his compound? Is he sneaking off to Venezuela?

Hosni Mubarak Goes for a Sporty Bedridden Look

Jeff Neumann · 08/15/11 05:03AM

Whereas the opening day of the Mubaraks' trial on August 3rd was all about Hosni picking his nose and the general sense of shock felt by Egyptians who watched their longtime leader sit in a cage, today was all about appearances. Again, Hosni's conveniently devout sons Alaa and Gamal clutched Qurans. But this time around, Hosni traded in his prison pajamas for what looked to be a zip up track suit. He also looked like he's visited a taxidermist.

Hosni Mubarak: A Life in Pictures

Jeff Neumann · 08/03/11 06:15AM

Deposed Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak appeared in court today to face charges of corruption and ordering the killing of unarmed protesters earlier this year. He was wheeled in on a hospital bed acting the part of a sad old man, along with his klepto scumbag sons, Gamal and Alaa. Hard times for the Mubaraks. So, in honor of Hosni's not so glorious return to Cairo, here's a quick look at the man in happier times.

Hugo Chavez Is an Honest Dictator

Jeff Neumann · 07/29/11 04:22AM

Venezuela's blowhard leader Hugo Chavez, fresh off cancer treatment in Cuba, celebrated his 57th birthday yesterday in Caracas by informing the masses that he's not going anywhere:

Narcoleptic? Move to Chechnya

Jeff Neumann · 07/06/11 05:25AM

When you hear the names "Chechnya" and "Grozny" you might be reminded of images of death and destruction from the former Soviet republic's brutal wars with Moscow. Fair enough! But it's totally nice now, and is run by a Moscow-backed murderous warlord, Ramzan Kadyrov, who has an untold amount of innocent blood on his hands and likes to play soccer. In fact, Chechnya is so nice that a 9-year-old girl from Siberia who suffered from narcolepsy was sent there for six months and now she's cured. So, what's the secret? According to a statement on Chechnya's official website:

Ex-Tunisian Dictator was a World-Class Jewel Thief and Druggie

Jeff Neumann · 06/20/11 05:58AM

The trial of deposed Tunisian president Zine El Abidine Ben Ali begins today in absentia, since Ben Ali is yukking it up with Saudi royals on his extended vacation there. Today's trial is the first of many, but this one is pretty juicy. Ben Ali is charged with theft, as well as drug and weapons possession, and the case is built on evidence recovered from two of his palaces outside of Tunis.

Assad Superfans Unfurl 'Biggest Syrian Flag' Ever

Jeff Neumann · 06/15/11 07:13AM

The regime of Syrian president Bashar al-Assad is celebrating the wholesale slaughter of civilians by throwing a kick ass street party, "Raise with us the Biggest Syrian Flag" today in Damascus. They've unveiled a huge flag just for the event: 2,300 meters long and 18 meters wide and sewn with the blood, sweat and determination of pro-Assad heroes. Luckily, state-run Syrian Arab News Agency had a "correspondent" on the scene, where emotions were running high:

Muammar Qaddafi Is a Combative Chess Player

Jeff Neumann · 06/13/11 02:14AM

Libyan dictator Muammar Qaddafi took some time out of his busy schedule hiding from NATO bombs, fighting a war against his own people, and getting so high to play a game of chess with the president of the World Chess Federation, Kirsan Ilyumzhinov yesterday in Tripoli. Russian news agency Interfax reports that Qaddafi and one of his sons went with the Sicilian Defense — a chess opening that is described as "combative." How fitting. He also said there's no way he's leaving Libya.