
Ten Years Ago Today, Dick Cheney Almost Killed a Man He Barely Knew

Jordan Sargent · 02/11/16 06:20PM

Of all the destruction waged by Dick Cheney during his eight-year run of terror in the White House, one incident stands out as the oddest: On February 11, 2006, Cheney shot a hunting partner in the face, nearly killing him. The incident is as fondly remembered as anything could be with Cheney, perhaps because it’s the only one of his un-prosecuted crimes that qualifies as slapstick. But there were several misconceptions about the man on the other side of Cheney’s shotgun, including that he was friends with the vice president, that he only suffered superficial wounds, and that it was merely an unavoidable accent.

Is This a Dick or What?

Ashley Feinberg · 12/03/15 01:01PM

This morning, an all white marble bust of Dick Cheney was unveiled after what amounted to a series of very uncomfortable jokes tip-toeing around the former Vice President’s role in 9/11. It was a beautiful ceremony.

Tom Scocca · 06/17/14 10:09PM

"Rarely has a U.S. president been so wrong about so much at the expense of so many," write Richard Cheney and Liz Cheney in the Wall Street Journal, describing a "willfully blind" foreign policy leading to "thousands of slaughtered Iraqis." They mean Barack Obama. Who else would they mean?

Liz Cheney Bails on Senate Bid Like Her Pa's First Heart Bailed on Him

Adam Weinstein · 01/06/14 08:10AM

Elizabeth Cheney, non-gay daughter of the former VP, tried to run for Senate from Wyoming and ended up pissing off her family. She also pissed off some of Wyoming's best-loved pols, including the family friend who she's trying to unseat. All of which would have been fine, but it turned out she pissed off voters, too.

"A Typical Terrorist Organization": What They Said About Mandela

Cord Jefferson · 12/06/13 10:00AM

In the wake of Nelson Mandela's passing, a great many people will come forward to offer their reflections on a man who suffered for decades in order to help black South Africans defeat Apartheid. Let's not forget, then, there once was a time when mainstream political notables had no qualms slurring Mandela and the African National Congress—and whitewashing the crimes of Apartheid South Africa. Here are some of those instances.

Liz Cheney's Gay Sister: "I’m Not Supporting Liz’s Candidacy"

Adam Weinstein · 11/21/13 01:12PM

Running for a Senate seat in Wyoming is hard enough. First, you have to lay the groundwork with a crazy PAC and crazy talk on Fox. Then you have to actually move to Wyoming, which sucks, because you totally liked DC—except for all the gays, of course. And that just leads you to this other family problem.

Here's Proof Dick Cheney Had a Giant Heart

Lacey Donohue · 10/20/13 08:26PM

On Sunday’s 60 Minutes, viewers were given proof that Dick Cheney does, in fact, have a heart. Granted, the first one he had was a piece of shit: it suffered five heart attacks, started a war, underwent open heart surgery, multiple catheterizations and angioplasties, and had a defibrillator and pump implanted. But his newly donated one seems to be working just fine.

What If Dick Cheney's First Heart Attack Had Killed Him?

Hamilton Nolan · 10/17/13 11:26AM

Dick "Dick" Cheney, the defining political figure of 21st century America, is publishing a book next week called Heart: An American Medical Odyssey, about his own health problems. Cheney had the first of his five heart attacks in 1978. What if he had not survived?

Tom Scocca · 10/15/13 11:36AM

"His critics call him Darth Vader, a war criminal, an evil genius, the puppet master behind the throne. But sitting with him, I was struck by how calm, unflappable and unbombastic he was." "But," you say?

Despicable War Criminals Joke About Torture

Hamilton Nolan · 10/09/13 03:26PM

Dick "Dick" Cheney, the Batman villainesque architect of a needless imperial war who is responsible for hundreds of thousands of needless human deaths, got together with some of his pals this week to chuckle about torture.