
Gossip roundup

Gawker · 05/20/03 12:52PM

· The husband of the dominatrix who accompanied Matrix director Larry Wachowski to the LA premiere says Wachowski likes kinky sex in drag. "When Larry walked down the red carpet with my wife, he was probably wearing [something else] under his suit." [Ed.the "something else" is supposed to be "a bra and panties." The Post can't say "bra and panties"?] [Page Six]
· Ewan McGregor on his nonchalance about nude scenes: "I'm not an exhibitionist in terms of whipping out my penis at parties and waving it around. I was in the past. Perhaps that was something to do with my drinking at the time." [Page Six]
· "James Gandolfini is set to star in a film musical, 'Romance and Cigarettes.' Directed by John Turturro, the MGM release is also due to feature Kate Winslet and Susan Sarandon, according to the Hollywood Reporter" [NY Daily News]

Bizarre subway encounters with Bill Murray

Gawker · 05/19/03 03:51PM

A reader writes, "A friend (claims he) was walking through the Union Square station when Bill Murray walked up to him, gave him a noogie and then whispered into his ear: "no one will ever believe you." Incidentally, this story was told because last month we came across Mr. Murray having a couple drinks at the Stanhope Park Hyatt bar (on 5th, across from the Met.)"

Gossip roundup

Gawker · 05/19/03 03:49PM

· Sean "P Diddy" Combs says he's going to "work on a farm, learn about sharecropping and picking cotton," in order to prepare for a role as blues legend Robert Johnson. [NY Daily News]
· Page Six has their own Jayson Blair gossip: "We hear the disgraced reporter was spotted at Hell's Kitchen hotspot Siberia talking on his cell phone and taking notes around the same time he was supposed to be in Palestine, W. Va., covering the story of freed POW Jessica Lynch. But when a bartender asked about something reading 'West Virginia' in Blair's pile of papers, the Timesman refused to talk about it." [Page Six]

Gawker stalker: subway edition

Gawker · 05/19/03 12:21PM

So far, the following celebrities have been spotted using public transportation: John Goodman (leaving through the gate; presumably used the subway), Woody Harrelson (a year ago), Mia Tyler on the 6, Gus Van Sant, Casey Affleck, Hillary Swank, Chad Lowe (no tears), David Byrne at 14th & 7th, Ben Affleck on the 1/9 in 1998, Luke Wilson entering the 14th & 7th station, Julia Stiles on the way to school at Columbia, John Bartlett, Elizabeth Wurtzel reading Us Weekly on the N Friday afternoon, Rick Moranis (4 years ago), Michael Moore on the 6th Ave bus, Philip Seymore Hoffman ("years ago"), a pregnant Cynthia Nixon, Geoffrey Owens ("Elvin" from The Cosby Show) on the 1, John Turturro, Blythe Danner, Mason Adams, David Morse, and Frank Gehry. [*Sigh* No Adam Gopnik.]

Celebs on the subway

Gawker · 05/19/03 10:43AM

A reader poses a question: "Has a celeb yet been spotted on the subway?" So far, I don't think I've gotten any subway Gawker stalker tips, but I'd be interested to see who uses public transportation. Oh, and if you EVER spot the New Yorker's Adam Gopnik on the bus or subway, please, PLEASE tell me.

Paul Sevigny and A.R.E. Weapons

Gawker · 05/16/03 02:24PM

Paul Sevigny, brother of Chloe, has a band called A.R.E. Weapons. (If you're downtown and below the age of 30, you already know this.) I haven't heard them, but when I've asked people, the response has usually involved some sort of facial contortion that registers disgust. Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't even write about them, as we're more into yuppies than hipstersthin line, I knowbut this seems relevant. One of the more profound lines from an A.R.E. song goes something like this: Dude!/ That's cool!/ Life was meant to be awesome! (Seriously.) To which the Pitchfork Review responds: "Yeah, if you're born rich enough to pretend you're poor. Like most poseurs, this trio of Nolita fashionistas fails to understand that most poor people try to look their best. Contrary to the dalliances of the richwho've lately been slumming it like it's 1979there's nothing fun or "cool" in wondering when you'll eat next. If there's any justice, every trucker-capped hair-metal ironist in New York will find out, and soon...Kicking around New York for fucking ever, Paul's finally put together a scam that's paying off: holding down three keys on an old Casio"
A.R.E. Weapons: Pitchfork review [PitchforkMedia]

Celebrity worship as psychological disorder

Gawker · 05/16/03 10:57AM

Psychologists in England report what we've known for a long time: celebrity worship can make you insane. "Fans who follow celebrities for intense-personal reasons are likely to be more depressed and anxious, while those who demonstrate high levels of sociopathic celebrity worship 'may well be solitary, impulsive, anti-social and troublesome'" Thank god we don't do that here.
Celebrity worship causing some to go crazy [NCBuy]

Gossip roundup

Gawker · 05/16/03 10:50AM

· Geraldo Rivera's getting married Aug. 10. The veteran newsman, 59, is marrying Erica Levy at Central Synagogue. "She looks 14, but she's actually 28," he says. [Page Six]
· Apropos of nothing, Rosie Perez: "There are so many disgusting, untalented people out there," said Perez. "Doesn't it p- you off? Haven't we had enough of the booty-shaking dancers?" [NY Daily News]

Gawker stalker

Gawker · 05/15/03 03:48PM

Send sightings to tips@gawker.com
· "Sean Hayes from Will & Grace with unidentified male companion (UMC) at McHales (46th and 8th). My dinner date made a comment about how he appeared to be checking out the posteriors of the men who entered the dining area in front of him but I cannot confirm such events. Sat in the back corner with UMC not sure if they actually ate (or even zeta-jonesed anything for that matter) but he did seem to leave in a hurry with the check and cash in hand. SH looked a bit scruffy with his facial hair (a bit reminiscent of his star turn in Billy's Hollywood Screen Kiss), baseball cap, and jeans. Quite casual..."

Gossip roundup

Gawker · 05/15/03 12:35PM

· Bridget Bardot demonstrates her intelligence, or lack thereof: [On gay men] they "jiggle their bottoms, put their little fingers in the air and with their little castrato voices moan about what those ghastly heteros put them through." [On French hookers] "Our lovely, kind street-walkers have been replaced by girls from the East, Nigerians, travelers, transsexuals, drag queens, bearers of AIDS and other friendly gifts." [Page Six]
· "In a campaign, titled 'Stick Your Butt in Bloomberg's Face,' Slycraft.com is selling ashtrays showing the unpopular mayor's face under the motto, 'You CAN fight City Hall!'" [Page Six]
· Harry Evans (a.k.a., Mr. Tina Brown) is getting his own TV show. [Cindy Adams]

The Soho House library

Gawker · 05/15/03 10:42AM

The Post's Jared Paul Stern tours the Soho House library (which I missed). "The library does not contain any actual books, merely wallpaper made from pictures of shelves full of books. Upon closer inspection, these seemed to be the bookshelves at some second-rate State University, full of dog-eared, second-hand paperbacks." The explanation? "Soho House is for media people, and media people don't read booksthey only read book reviews. The bar is well-stocked. Isn't that enough?" Valid point.
What kind of snotty private club is this? [NY Post]

Gawker stalker

Gawker · 05/14/03 02:30PM

· "I stood behind Stephen King [Monday] night in line for "Spellbound" at the Film Forum. He was with a twentysomething guy and girl (his son and a friend, perhaps?). Carrying a book called We Need To Talk About Kevin, and chatting away in line. Purchased a lot of popcorn and two very mini sodas, and took off his fleece in the theater to reveal a Ramones T-shirt."
· "My ex-boss's ex-boss Michael Eisner in front of me right now at Christies. Looking at horrible 19C bronze: 'fantastic!'"
· "Geraldo Rivera walking down Madison Ave...various males stopping to grab his arm, shake his hand and basically exhibit their own testosterone-laden gestures. Attached firmly to his arm was a young, svelte and uneasy twenty something (I'd say the lower end of the twenty scale) who wasn't happy with all of the attention he was getting."

Gossip roundup

Gawker · 05/14/03 01:57PM

· Oliver Stone's former assistant, Azita Zendel, is premiering a movie at Cannes called "Controlled Chaos" based on Stone's "scandalous" lifestyle. [Page Six]
· "Martin Scorsese has been hit with a $1 million lawsuit by a producer who claims to have been waiting 13 years for the Gangs of New York director to get around to a movie he allegedly agreed to make." China Club owner Danny Fried's smoking ban work-around: China Club owner Danny Fried sees the escape route in the other direction: "I have a 3,000-square-foot roof with a bar. People can drink and smoke to their hearts' content." [NY Daily News]
· Socialites on cell phones: Aerin Lauder sighted screming into her cell phone, "This is so embarrassing! Get a suit on, get a car, and get here now!...My fucking husband!" Gossiping about gossip columnists: "Which gossip columnist's new girlfriend is raising eyebrows by RSVP-ing to events in her name, plus one? The 'plus one' is the big name she's dating." [ChicHappens]

Aid for the idle rich

Gawker · 05/14/03 01:31PM

Choire Sicha, wasting away in jury duty, notes that he's short on cash these days, what with the "cabs, delivery, Prada, beach house, Schwab accounts, and Soho House" ("Sure, my acupuncturist messengered me a bag of vitamins last week. And of course I chainsmoke, the last sign of wealth in these unhedonist times. But these cigarettes are from Switzerland! Two dollars a pack! Like a transexual supermodel at Beige, I'm a fraud where it counts the most.") Choire's pitch: "Many of you have too much money and real estate and not enough good times and able assistance. It seems that I am in a perfect position to assist in this imbalance. I can provide this special class, the Lonely Wealthy, with services heretofore undreamt of."
Bling bling strategies for the New Economy [ChoireSicha]