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Gawker reader "Graydon Carter" [*ahem*] writes in. Again.

My dear Elizabeth,

So word has reached us within the sybaritic inner sanctum of Condé Nast of the Great Trucker Hat Spat currently riling the mass of embedded hipsters inhered within the bourgeois ghetto of Williamsburg.

I thought I'd share with your readers that in our July issue [Vanity Fair] will weigh in with a magisterial defense of the ignoble trucker hat by VF contributing editor and literary paramour, Christopher Hitchens.

Also, I have again changed the photographic paean to myself accompanying my monthly missive to be more concurrent with the times.


POSTNOTE: The post on Friday along with the earlier Wintour submission are not so much marred by irony as by sarcasm, parody, and abject mocking. Also, I would do something about that cough as it could be the onset of SARS. If you were not already confined to the snuggery of your apartment for a good part of the day, I would recommend quarantine.