
The Weekend That Was

cityfile · 08/04/08 02:46PM

1) A screening of Bottle Shock, a dramedy about when California beat France in a wine taste test, was hosted by Michael Dunbar of Domaine Chandon and Newton Vineyard on Sunday night at the Southampton Cinema. The film's stars Alan Rickman, Eliza Dushku, and Bill Pullman, along with Bronson van Wyck, Andrew Fry, Devorah Rose, Elizabeth Lindemann, Jill, John, and Whitney Fairchild, Jeanne Greenberg and Nick Rohatyn, and Bettina Zilkha, watched the film followed by food and wine at Savanna's. [PMc]

Who Is Devorah Rose?

cityfile · 08/01/08 09:59AM

If you've spent any time wading through New York gossip and socialite blogs over the past year or so, you've probably come across the visage of one Devorah Rose, the editor of Social Life magazine, a publication we're assured exists although we've never seen an actual copy of it, so we'll have to take other people's word for it. Or perhaps you've heard of a reality show she was slated to appear in, 10021, which was billed as some sort of Upper East Side version of The Hills? (No word on if the show is actually going to air, which may actually be good news, since the 10065 has since replaced the '21 has the richest zip in town anyway.) Perhaps you've wondered who is this girl is posing with her pink dog in hand, a stunt so tired that people in Boulder, Colorado are doing it (and getting fined for it, too). Well, meet Massachusetts' very own Deborah Denise Trachtenberg!

Person Who Stole Devorah Rose's Camera Can Run, But They Can't Hide

Richard Lawson · 07/22/08 12:42PM

Ruh roh. Devorah Rose, Social Life magazine person (and friend of totes essential heiress and blogger Emily Brill), has been robbed. Someone has purloined her digital camera, which contained many important photos. If you are the nefarious crook, don't even think about posting them online because Devi will know who you are and she will fuck your shit the fuck up. "This isn't a game. But if you want to play, I am going to win," she warns in the most ominous way possible, via a Facebook status update. The intimidation continues with a shot of her bikini clad self mashing up against some other young chippy. So take heed, wicked camburglar, don't be puttin' her stuff up on tumblr or she'll Flickr you in the head. Click for larger Sapphic Facebook screenshot. Update: A tipster tells us "FYI: No one actually stole her camera. Its a desperate attempt at an 'interesting' plot development of her upcoming reality show. And you just played into it with that posting..." Oh snap! We've been had! Devorah, u stole mah fotobucket.

The Weekend That Was

cityfile · 07/21/08 02:37PM

(1) The 9th annual Art For Life Benefit took place on Saturday at Russell Simmons' East Hampton house. Despite tickets not selling out as fast as usual, the event played host to Aretha Franklin, Christy Turlington, Lorraine Bracco, Soledad O'Brien, David Paterson, Diddy, Padma Lakshmi, Brett Ratner, LA Reid, the cast of Real Housewives of New York, Al Roker, Kelly Bensimon, Alina Cho, Simon de Pury, and Porschla Coleman—whose break up with Simmons, judging by their behavior, is either incredibly amicable or no longer in effect. [PMc]

The Weekend That Was

cityfile · 07/15/08 06:55AM

1) The ACRIA benefit at photographer Steven Klein's Bridgehampton farm, sponsored by Calvin Klein Collection and Vanity Fair, invited guests for "Cocktails at Sunset." A boldface-heavy crowd including Bruce Weber, Jessica Stam, Donna Karan, Daphne Guinness, Rachel Zoe, Elizabeth Saltzman, Francisco Costa, Kelly Bensimon, Padma Lakshmi (above right), Carol Alt, Calvin Klein, Joy Bryant, Karolina Kurkova, Olivia Chantecaille, Mary Alice Stephenson, Anh Duong, Sessa von Richthofen, Zani Gugelmann, Jackie Astier, Lucy Sykes and Euan Rellie, and committee member/host Andrew Saffir (above left) ate mini-burgers and tater tots, and bid on a Steven Klein print of Madonna from W magazine. [FWD/]

The Weekend That Was

cityfile · 07/08/08 01:10PM

1) Miguel Forbes took a cruise to Sag Harbor aboard the family-owned Highlander, along with Alejandro Santo Domingo, Dan Abrams, Dave Zinczenko and Melissa Milne, Elle Macpherson, Stella Keitel, Craig Spitzer, Fabian Basabe, Sessa Von Richthofen (pictured, right) and Richard Johnson. [NYSD/PMc]

Emily Brill's Harrowing Escape From New York

Richard Lawson · 06/26/08 01:37PM

As long as we're piling on millionaire media celebrities today, here's the latest video blog clown show from Emily Brill. In the video Brill, the daughter of media mogul Steve, is traveling yet again to the Hamptons (a fact we're reminded of many, many times) with magazine person Devorah Rose and a silly little dog. They're in Em's Lexus, which she's driving in Manhattan for the first time. The dizzy duo is a bit lost and confused when trying to leave the island Manhattan (Emily about the Triborough Bridge: "Wait does that go to another borough?") and all they can tell is that they're heading toward the Beatrice Inn ("like, downtown.") Then! Yay! They find the tunnel and Emily just cannot believe that her car is going to Queens. Over and over again she says it! Filthy horrid Queens! Her precious car! Blahhh blah blah blah. Oh, and then Devorah calls herself "useless." Sigh. Silly Thursday afternoon video fun after the jump.

Dear Devorah Rose, Dear Tricia Romano, Dear Internet

Emily Gould · 09/21/07 05:31PM

Each year (or really, every 11 months and two weeks or so, kinda), the Jews observe Yom Kippur, the day of atonement, during which leather shoes and doing it are totally forbidden. Then there are many apologies. Let it begin with us! While Emily is biologically only half a Jew, the theme of her Bat Mitzvah was "New York, New York," and her Mom did convert eventually.

The Unruly Heir Spring '08 Show And Afterparty

Emily Gould · 09/10/07 05:10PM

Socialgay Kristian Laliberte, who does the PR for fledgling label Unruly Heir, had promised us "more of a presentation than a show, with models walking down the runway to inhabit tableaus vivant, or living painting." What this meant: models, dressed in preppie clothes but carrying props such as a croquet mallet, or a ghetto blaster boombox, or a hobo's hankie-on-stick thing, walked down the runway, posed at the end of it it, and then walked over to the side and pretended to "tag" a painting that was pretending to be a fancy painting by spritzing it lightly with pastel spraypaint. One of them threw a tennis ball into the audience! Another walked with an unlit cigarette in his mouth. It was all very badass, very Port Authority meets Palm Beach. Or: very Dalton meets Once I Saw 'Paris Is Burning.' The inimitable Laurel Ptak documented it for posterity.

'Social Life' Editor Devorah Rose Was Never A Stripper

Emily Gould · 09/10/07 04:10PM

Back in March, we'd heard that Social Life magazine editor in chief and Columbia M.F.A. student Devorah Rose was once a Champagne Room massage girl at Scores West. Last night, she set the record straight. "It's not true!" Then she paused. "Wait, don't write that I said it wasn't true! I think it's funny that people think that I was a stripper. Because anyone who knows me, well, they know how anal I am."

Pete Wentz's Fashion Week Party at Tenjune

Joshua Stein · 09/06/07 01:02PM

Round midnight at 21st and 10th, the Conde Nast Rock and Republic pre-party was ending. Great hives of inebriated party-people heaved out, wobbly on margaritas and spike heels, into the waiting Conde Nast town cars. Then we saw Nicole Brydson, the Observer's gal on the fashion streets. She and her Nat Sherman cigarettes were with Observer media reporter Michael Calderone and Brooklyn Paper's Adam Rathe. Page Six's Corynne Steindler was talking urgently into her phone. They were going to Pete Wentz's party at Tenjune.

Happy Birthday, Kristian Laliberte!

Emily Gould · 06/26/07 03:31PM

Pictured is our by-default favorite socialolgay Kristian Laliberte at the "rowdy" and "private, sit-down dinner" he threw to celebrate his birthgay, accompanied by Social Life magazine "editor" and alleged sometime poledancer Devorah "Rexy" Rose and some other ho. More pix can be found at Lesser Known, Better Connected, a blog so gay that it totally went down on our manly computer.

'Social Life' Magazine's Devorah Rose Is Hiring

Emily · 03/30/07 10:09AM

Yesterday we had the enormous pleasure of making the acquaintance of Devorah Rose, editor in chief of Social Life magazine and Columbia MFA candidate. Here's some fantastic news for anyone who was as charmed by Devorah's robotic affect and reverence for Tinsley Mortimer as we were: she's hiring! You could work for her at Social Life magazine as an unpaid intern—if you meet some pretty stringent requirements.