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If you've spent any time wading through New York gossip and socialite blogs over the past year or so, you've probably come across the visage of one Devorah Rose, the editor of Social Life magazine, a publication we're assured exists although we've never seen an actual copy of it, so we'll have to take other people's word for it. Or perhaps you've heard of a reality show she was slated to appear in, 10021, which was billed as some sort of Upper East Side version of The Hills? (No word on if the show is actually going to air, which may actually be good news, since the 10065 has since replaced the '21 has the richest zip in town anyway.) Perhaps you've wondered who is this girl is posing with her pink dog in hand, a stunt so tired that people in Boulder, Colorado are doing it (and getting fined for it, too). Well, meet Massachusetts' very own Deborah Denise Trachtenberg!

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The Social Life editor has been busy clawing her way up the social ladder over the past year or two. But she's been seeking out the limelight for longer than that. She had a tiny role in 2001's Storytelling (we can't tell you what she did in the movie, only that she earned her one and only IMDB credit in the process.) More recently, she memorably appeared as a pro-ana bitch in a couple episodes of last summer's SoapNet show The Fashionista Diaries. (See the video, above.) But it's 10021—if it ever actually happens—that should shoot her to fame to the kind of fame she's always been craving.

So where did this creation come from? The details are murky. Devorah is actually named Deborah Denise Trachtenberg. She was raised in Massachusetts, in the Boston suburb of Newton, although she says she's originally from Caracas, which is entirely possible. Her mother, Dr. Jacqueline Germain, who practices rehabilitation medicine in Boston, attended medical school in Caracas.

"Devorah" later moved to New York to attend Barnard College where she wrote a novel that is probably still sitting on her hard drive somewhere. (You can see the copyright applications here.) She later enrolled in Columbia's MFA program, signed on with Social Life, and starting her career as a professional partygoer.

Although 10021 may not see the light of day, we're guessing a reality show of some sort will turn up for "Dev" at some point in the future. (If nothing else, she's a shoe-in for Real Housewives of New York, Season 8.) And once that happens, we'll all get to sit back and enjoy as former friends of Deb Trachtenberg inevitably pop up with photos from junior high school.

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