
Who Else Knew About Dennis Hastert’s Sexual Abuse of Children?

J.K. Trotter · 04/27/16 03:05PM

Today, in a federal court in Illinois, former House Speaker Dennis Hastert confessed for the first time to sexually abusing high school students in the 1970s, when he worked as a teacher and wrestling coach in Yorkville, Illinois. The extent of the related charges (for which Hastert received a 15-month prison sentence), the sum of money—$1.7 million—Hastert paid to silence one of his accusers, and the length of time all of his deeds remained hidden made it all but inevitable that third parties knew about what happened, yet said or did nothing. But who?

Some Character References, Written By Politicians, Defending an Alleged Child Molester 

Gabrielle Bluestone · 04/26/16 02:50PM

Disgraced former Congressman Dennis Hastert spent millions of dollars trying to cover up allegedly molesting at least five students during his time as a high school teacher and wrestling coach. Hastert, who pleaded guilty to bank fraud, will never be tried for the sex crimes—the Illinois statute of limitations expired long ago—but both the FBI and the Chicago Tribune say they’ve verified most of the claims.

Family Names Alleged Victim of Dennis Hastert Sex Abuse

Allie Jones · 06/05/15 07:44AM

The sister of an alleged sex abuse victim of former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert came forward today to share her brother’s story and call Hastert out for his alleged crimes. This follows Hastert’s indictment last week for illegally funneling $3.5 million to an unnamed person from his past as a high school wrestling coach.

Adam Weinstein · 06/01/15 10:47AM

“In light of the charges and allegations that have emerged,” conservative Christian Wheaton College says it has renamed its J. Dennis Hastert Center for Economics, Government, and Public Policy. They could also change the motto to: “Integrity is doing the right thing when everybody’s watching.”

Why Did Dennis Hastert Pay All That Hush Money? Feds: "It Was About Sex"

Adam Weinstein · 05/29/15 03:10PM

After feds announced indictments against ex-House speaker Dennis Hastert yesterday for illegally funneling $3.5 million to an unnamed person from his past as a high-school wrestling coach, an obvious question lingered: What was the cash for? For covering up male-on-male sexual abuse, naturellement.

Jon Stewart Spanks Congress for Its Sex Scandal Hypocrisy

Matt Cherette · 03/15/10 11:07PM

Tonight on The Daily Show, Jon Stewart issued an equal opportunity slap on the wrist to members on both sides of the Congressional aisle for their party-driven, hypocritical responses to the sex scandals of colleagues. Inside, video of Stewart's remarks.