Photo: AP

On Monday, one of the five people prosecutors say former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert sexually abused filed a lawsuit claiming Hastert failed to pay off a secret $3.5 million dollar settlement, ABC News reports.

Hastert’s payments to the man known in court documents as “Individual A” sparked the investigation that eventually uncovered a series of sex crimes Hastert allegedly committed against minors while working as a wrestling coach before 1982. From NBC News:

The sordid allegations came to light not because any of Hastert’s former students came forward but because a bank worker became concerned about withdrawals the retired lawmaker made between 2010 and 2014 — $9,000 at a time from four banks, a pattern known to regulators as “structuring.”

When the FBI questioned Hastert about the money, he lied and said he just wanted to keep it in a safe place, prosecutors said. His lawyers later contacted agents and told them he was actually being extorted by an ex-student with a false claim of sexual abuse from decades ago.

According to federal prosecutors, however, Hastert and Individual A’s behavior were not consistent with an extortion plot and the agreement more closely resembled an out-of-court settlement.

Individual A is now suing Hastert to get the remaining $1.8 million in compensation for panic attacks, psychological problems and other suffering allegedly caused by the abuse.

Due to the statue of limitations, Hastert cannot be charged for his alleged sex crimes, but he is scheduled to be sentenced for breaking federal banking regulations on Wednesday. Earlier this month, prosecutors recommended Hastert spend six months in jail.