
Don't Piss on Your Best Friend 

Hamilton Nolan · 08/10/15 08:35AM

On Saturday, Bernie Sanders was scheduled to speak to a crowd of thousands of supporters in a Seattle park. He never did; the event was shut down after a handful of protesters disrupted it in the name of “Black Lives Matter.” This was remarkably dumb.

Hillary Clinton Is Running For Capitulator-In-Chief

Hamilton Nolan · 07/31/15 09:28AM

If Hillary Clinton’s stance on the minimum wage is any indicator, the Democratic party can expect a leader who specializes in the party’s greatest talent: capitulation.

Elizabeth Warren Is Right About Everything

Hamilton Nolan · 04/09/15 04:58PM

This afternoon, Massachusetts Senator and presidential non-candidate Elizabeth Warren spoke to a crowd of 200 sweaty fans at the Strand book store in Manhattan. Everything she said was true, which is fairly remarkable, for a politician.

Who Is Dumber, Democrats or Republicans? 

Hamilton Nolan · 03/31/15 03:23PM

Here in the liberal media, we all like to joke, in our little liberal elite cabal, about how dumb Republicans are. And Republicans sure are dumb! But are they dumber than Democrats?

Political Whores Form Brothel

Hamilton Nolan · 12/15/14 04:35PM

The executive director of the Republican Governor's Association and the executive director of the Democratic Governor's Association announced today that they are getting together to sell their mutual political connections to the highest bidder.

Who's Afraid of Elizabeth Warren?

Hamilton Nolan · 12/03/14 01:13PM

A new poll shows populist (by American standards) darling Elizabeth Warren running at 10% in a hypothetical Democratic presidential primary, while Hillary Clinton stands at 65%. Still, the Clintons fear Elizabeth Warren. Why?

Hamilton Nolan · 11/24/14 03:19PM

New York City, Philadelphia, and Columbus, Ohio are the finalists to host the 2016 Democratic Convention. The Republicans will hold theirs in Cleveland. So the Democrats will be in Columbus, or in NYC if they've given up on the election and just want good restaurants.

Fuck This Vox Baby Name Chart

Leah Finnegan · 11/17/14 01:15PM

As the Baby Name Critic was finishing her second Americano today, her editor informed her that her responsibilities at have expanded to include not just celebrity baby names, but analyses of baby-name data when necessary. Then the Baby Name Critic was sent this chart, from the Randian Costco of websites,

Democrats Don't Want Anything to Do With Obama Now

Jason Parham · 10/08/14 01:04PM

Symbols fade with time. In 2008, when Barack Obama campaigned for the presidency, attempting to become the first black man to hold the the nation's highest office, his run was "historic" and "generations in the making." It was, by most accounts, a big win for the Democratic party, which had lost ground and political leverage during the Bush years. And though Obama endured a rocky first term, his run for re-election in 2012 was again seen as a sign of hope that America would continue to move forward.