
The Cat Is In! The 2009 Mayor's Race Is Going To Rock!

Choire · 11/02/07 10:25AM

John Catsimatidis, that supermarket-magnate billionaire with political pals who isn't Ron Burkle, gets his mayoral ambitions taken seriously by the New York Times today. Hilarious! Catsimatidis, a longtime Clinton donor and total loudmouth, has been talking about switching to the Republican party and running for New York City mayor all year. Now, money may buy one anything! And affection for his Gristedes stores may go a long way with New Yorkers! And we will be totally entertained by watching him go postal on insanely tall Time Warner honcho and fellow rich person Dick Parsons for the 2009 mayor's slot! But no. If he wants a legacy so bad, he should just like, give the $30-million he's gonna spend on the race to teachers or something. Or BURN IT.

Doree Shafrir · 06/08/07 03:15PM

"Paris Hilton might be going back to jail following a furious backlash to her early release that included several Los Angeles officials and hundreds of Lede commenters." Yes. Good job, New York Times blog commenters! [The Lede]