Lacey Donohue · 10/10/13 08:06PM
Defense Department Finally Lifts Ban on Women in Combat
Max Read · 01/23/13 03:41PMShould We Build a Spaceship to the Stars?
Hamilton Nolan · 08/18/11 04:05PMLeon Panetta Unanimously Confirmed as Next Defense Secretary
Jim Newell · 06/21/11 04:07PMNew Obama Jobs! Panetta to Defense, Petraeus to CIA
Jim Newell · 04/27/11 10:55AM
Now that Barack Obama has released his long-form birth certificate, let's play What Other Evil News Is He Trying to Distract Us From? Maybe it's this: The AP reports that CIA Director and former Bill Clinton chief of staff Leon Panetta will take over for Defense Secretary Robert Gates this summer, while Afghanistan commander Gen. David Petraeus will replace Panetta at the CIA. Does the Obama administration want us talking about this?