'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Repeal Really Wouldn't Bother Troops

The Pentagon has officially released its several hundred-page study on whether allowing gay soldiers say "I'm gay" aloud would destroy the American military. And its survey results show: Most soldiers do not think that this would destroy the American military.
Here's a chart (via Joe My God) of some survey results from the report, which you can read all 267 pages of here, if you're insane.

- 70% of Service members said they would be able to "work together to get the job done" with a gay servicemember in their immediate units.
- 69% said they worked in a unit with a co-worker that they believed to be homosexual.
- 92% stated that their unit's "ability to work together," with a gay person was "very good, "good" or "neither good nor poor." (89% for those in Army combat arms units, 84% for those in Marine combat arms units.)
- 74% of spouses of military service-members say repeal of DADT would have no impact on their view of whether their husbands or wives should continue to serve.
- 30% overall (and 40–60% in the Marine Corps and in various combat arms specialties) expressed negative views or concerns about the impact of a repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell.
The only really revealing finding above is that 26% of military spouses might think that their husbands or wives would start having tons of gay sex if the ban were lifted. Otherwise, the military community is mostly fine with soldiers being allowed to say "I'm gay" without being fired.
The early Republican response, meanwhile, has been to demand more hearings and "comprehensive oversight" of this study, preferably until they assume control of the House and can kill it off for good.
[Top image via AP]