
Jim Carrey Reducing Up-Front Fee From $20 Million To Zero

mark · 08/16/07 05:18PM

Jim Carrey, once the best-remunerated butt-ventriloquist and Method urinator of his Hollywood generation, has just signed a deal for new comedy Yes Man that's so financially risky that the project's failure could result in the actor having to sell his 10,000-square-foot ski chalet on the Sultan of Brunei's favorite indoor, manmade mountain. Carrey, reports DHD's Nikki Finke, will be getting his entire reward on the back end:

This Just In: Your Favorite TV Stars Are Wildly Overpaid

mark · 07/24/07 04:08PM

If the phrase "Charlie Sheen money" calls to mind his reported $350,000 per episode Two and a Half Men salary as readily as it might the escort-related expenditures of his infamously priapic, cheerleader-devouring bachelorhood, chances are you have already had ample opportunity to be disgusted by the excessive remuneration of your favorite TV personalities. But for those of you prepared to be appalled anew, a press release has compiled a list of boob-tube salaries that will be included in a more comprehensive accounting in the upcoming issue of TV Guide. Such as: