
What Should Bernie Sanders Ask For? 

Hamilton Nolan · 06/08/16 09:45AM

Barring an act of god or the FBI, Bernie Sanders is not going to win the Democratic nomination. He does, however, now have a window to make some demands in exchange for his support. What should he get?

Aleksander Chan · 05/12/15 06:35AM

Telecom giant Verizon will gobble up AOL for a cool $4.4 billion, at $50 a share, in a deal described by the Wall Street Journal as “aimed at advancing the telecom giant’s growth ambitions in mobile video and advertising.”

Louisiana Restaurant Offers 10 Percent Discount for Gun-Toting Customers

Aleksander Chan · 09/29/14 12:08PM

As any American looking to eat out on a budget, I'm not one to pass up a great deal, and this one is arguably better than the McDonald's value menu: Bring your gun to Bergeron's Restaurant in Port Allen, La. and get 10 percent off your order for making the owner feel "safer." "I just need to see a weapon. I need you to be carrying a gun," Kevin Cox told NBC33.

Hamilton Nolan · 03/20/14 02:14PM

Robert Marcus took over as CEO of Time Warner Cable in January. Six weeks later, the company was sold to Comcast. When the deal goes through, Marcus will receive $80 million, "a severance payment that amounts to more than $1 million a day in compensation for the less than two months he ran the company." He earned it.

IKEA Australia Offers a Free Crib to Any Baby Born 9 Months From Today

Caity Weaver · 02/14/13 06:15PM

Good news if the only thing keeping you from having a baby was the fear that you might not be able to scrape together $99 to buy a crib from IKEA; IKEA Australia is offering a free crib to any baby who is born nine months from today, on November 14, 2013.

Facebook Bought Instagram for $1 Billion

Ryan Tate · 04/09/12 01:15PM

In by far its largest acquisition to date, Facebook said it will buy photo-sharing service instagram for $1 billion, or about $100 million per Instagram employee. At last, the world will be blessed with a fresh gigantic explosion in Instagram-manipulated pics.

Bid on Burnt Toast With Image of Mitt Romney and Satan Shaking Hands

Louis Peitzman · 03/18/12 10:55AM

This is one of those things where you have to really squint to see it — except even squinting is no guarantee. A tipster sent in this eBay listing for "IMAGE OF MITT ROMNEY AND SATAN SHAKING HANDS ON PIECE OF TOAST." An intriguing find, to be sure, but whatever image the toast advertises is subtle, to say the least. It mostly just looks like a piece of toast. And with an $88.40 shipping fee, it's an expensive piece of toast.

Treat Yourself to an Oscar

Louis Peitzman · 02/25/12 11:40AM

Short on talent but not on funds? You might be in luck. While it's too late to be considered for any of Sunday's Academy Award wins, you can bid on one of 15 Oscar statuettes on Tuesday. Or, hell, bid on them all. You can always pawn off the extras when you need to pick up a Tony or a Golden Globe.

Buy Barack Obama's Old Chrysler

Louis Peitzman · 01/28/12 11:01AM

Now that he's moved on to bigger and shinier things, Barack Obama has no need for his old mode of transportation. I'm actually pretty sure he ditched it a while back, but hey — now it can be yours. The eBay scourers over at BuzzFeed stumbled on an exciting opportunity to purchase Obama's 2005 Chrysler 300. For a paltry one million dollars, you can drive around in the same car then-Senator Obama may have used to travel between Washington D.C. and Chicago. That's right, no guarantees. At least the listing is honest?

Disney Buys Pornographers' Parenting Website

Ryan Tate · 11/14/11 03:34PM

Chalk one up for middle-aged mundanity over the edgy glamour of youth. Disney will pay around $40 million for Babble Media, the oft-maligned blogging hub for hipster parents, sources tell Business Insider. Disney will also onboard Babble's founders, whose hyperliterate porn mag Nerve was a critical smash but never very financially successful.