
Best World Cup Facial Expressions In Slow Motion

Gene Delsener · 07/09/10 04:30PM

Are soccer games too fast-paced for you? Here's a video that distills the best moments from the World Cup in super slow motion. If this is still too fast, you should probably just give up and watch some curling.

The Daily Show Examines the Troubling Lack of Racism in South Africa

Matt Cherette · 07/05/10 10:29PM

Tonight, John Oliver continued his World Cup-related Daily Show segments with an examination into the lack of racism in formerly apartheid-ridden South Africa as the World Cup continues. That said, Oliver found one racist to conquer them all. Video inside.

The Soccer Ignoramus' Guide to the World Cup Semi-Finals

Zach Dundas · 07/05/10 01:53PM

The World Cup now enters its Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome phase. We began with a thriving civilization of 31 proud soccer nations (plus France). Only four battle-hardened survivors remain to spar over scarce resources in an unforgiving environment.

This Man Is Inappropriately Excited to Meet Sarah Palin

Adrian Chen · 07/05/10 12:12PM

Sarah Palin was doing a meet-and-greet at the American Amusement Machine Association's International Bowl Expo 2010 last week (Ha) and, well, it appears one guy she met was a fan of more than just her fiscal policies.

Four Reasons Not to Feel Guilty About Rooting Against Ghana

Adrian Chen · 06/26/10 01:30PM

Obviously, we're cheering for America to win today's match against Ghana because, U.S.A.! U.S.A.! U.S.A.! But in a tiny corner of our red-blooded hearts we know that Ghana—Africa's last hope!—is cosmically favored for a win. What to do?

Dog Gets Revenge on Vuvuzela-Using Owner

Matt Cherette · 06/25/10 01:56PM

We all know that vuvuzelas are annoying. Well, guess what—dogs hate them, too! In this case, the pooch being victimized by his taunting, vuvuzela-branding owner decides to let his frustration flow, if you get my drift. Video inside.