
Condé Considers Cuts, Time Warner Takes a Big Loss

cityfile · 02/04/09 10:27AM

• More magazine closures may be on the way at Condé Nast. [NYO]
• Time Warner posted a fourth-quarter loss of $16 billion. [AP]
Bill Keller says there are "deadly serious" discussions taking place at the New York Times about charging for access to the paper's website. [E&P]
• Obama campaign manager David Plouffe has signed a seven-figure deal with Viking to write a book about last year's presidential election. [AP]
• Thanks to Ron Burkle, Wal-Mart customers can no longer pick up copies of magazines like People, Sports Illustrated and Time. [NYP]
• Jonathan Wald is leaving CNBC. [CNBC]
• Ticketmaster and concert promoter Live Nation are close to a merger. [WSJ]

Obama Chases Hillary's Deep-Pocketed Supporters

cityfile · 06/12/08 04:58AM

The high rollers who raised millions for Hillary Clinton's campaign are getting (another) visit today from the man who helped dashed their dreams—Obama's campaign manager. And guess what? He's going to be asking them for millions more. David Plouffe, one of Obama's closest advisors, will be stopping off at a Midtown law firm today to meet with a group of HillRaisers who oiled and operated Hil's vaunted money machine.