
10 Most Embarrassing Geek Photos

Nick Douglas · 02/01/07 03:02PM

NICK DOUGLAS — Underneath all that decorum and collared polyester, geeks have crazy personalities waiting to bust out. Normally they have to suppress those personalities to appease investors and look like Real Important Bosses. But when they find their time to shine, they pull poses that would make Star Wars Kid proud. Here are the top ten photos some geeks wish time forgot. (Warning: some shots are a touch NSFW.)

SVUG #12: What blogs should I pretend to read?

Paul Boutin · 12/22/06 02:30PM

PAUL BOUTIN — Skip the year-end recaps and next week's inevitable Predictions for 2007. Instead, bone up on these four tech/biz insiders whose blogs you don't read, but should say you do. All four are way more successful than you. Each posts faster than you can read. SVUG's party trick: Read 'em today, then trust they'll keep blogging the same topics through March.

The nine most surprisingly great business moves of 2006

Nick Douglas · 12/14/06 03:16PM

NICK DOUGLAS — Good deals are obvious. Great deals are not. News Corp's $580-million purchase of MySpace was "Murdoch's Folly" no more when Google paid $900 million to power MySpace search. In that spirit, here are the top nine business moves from 2006 that don't make sense — at first. Below, the video that started Deal #1.

Dave Winer trades up

Nick Douglas · 08/15/06 08:20AM

Blogger Dave Winer was long known as an irritant — he's got some strong opinions, and he's managed to offend quite a lot of individuals. Now, his awkward phrasing might help him trade up to offending whole people groups at once. From Dave's blog:

Dave Winer and the ladies of BlogHer

Nick Douglas · 07/28/06 02:24PM

Today, superstar blogger Dave Winer is writing from BlogHer, an all-girl blog conference. "Everyone's been very nice, lots of kissing and hugging," writes Dave, before posting a video.

Waste it or taste it

Nick Douglas · 07/24/06 09:46PM

Speaking of Wired Magazine's Wired/Tired/Expired (née Wired/Tired) feature, it's time for another ripoff of that cultural hot-or-not. Today, let's call this feature "waste it or taste it."

Arrington engages the Valley's crazy uncles

Nick Douglas · 06/26/06 09:00AM

The Three Stooges of Silicon Valley found a Shemp. After Michael Arrington spoke at Dave Winer's BloggerCon, the TechCrunch blogger got sucked into Winer's little club — Winer, Marc Canter, and Steve Gillmor.

Pretend you went to Bloggercon

Nick Douglas · 06/23/06 02:55PM

As long as you're pretending you went to Supernova, pretend you hit every conference in downtown San Francisco this week. Old-school blogger Dave Winer is holding his BloggerCon "unconference" down the road from Supernova, and he can only let 150 attendees in at a time. (At least at Supernova, there's room to sneak into the Palace Hotel and schmooze for free.) Don't worry, Dave and his attendees are making BloggerCon the most un-unmissable conference of the season.

Morning video: John Dvorak trolls Mac fans for fun and profit

Nick Douglas · 06/12/06 09:00AM

PC Magazine columnist and veteran tech pundit John C Dvorak explains his Mac-fan baiting method in this video by Dave Winer. The best part isn't Dvorak admitting that he writes like a weasel (duh), nor that he's saying all this in the San Fran Apple store. It's cameraman Dave Winer asking "what the point" is.