
There Is No Such Thing as 'Politicizing' a Tragedy

Max Read · 07/20/12 05:25PM

It hasn't even been 24 hours since a gunman opened fire on a crowded movie theater in Colorado and you can already predict the entire, familiar scene: the days and days of arguments about gun control, about mental health treatment access, about violence in movies and television. And, of course, the angry accusations that one person or another is "politicizing tragedy," unquestionably the worst sin in post-tragedy rhetoric.

Lost Co-Creator Damon Lindelof Declares 'Cynics Win' After Deleting Aurora Tribute Tweet

Drew Magary · 07/20/12 04:05PM

This is one of those days where something terrible has happened and we're left to digest both the tragedy itself and the Internet's own messy response to the tragedy, a response that is equal parts informative, vitriolic, sympathetic, self-absorbed, and at times utterly unnecessary. Lost co-creator Damon Lindelof found out how hard it is to navigate such choppy waters when he sent out this tweet earlier today:

A Roundup of Gawker's Coverage of the Dark Knight Shooting

Emma Carmichael · 07/20/12 03:55PM

A shooter walked into a late-night showing of The Dark Knight Rises early Friday morning in Aurora, Colo., and opened fire. James Holmes, 24, killed 12 and wounded dozens more. Read our initial report here and catch up on the following stories on the Dark Knight shooting:

Here's the Trailer that Warner Brothers is Pulling from Theaters Over Its Mass Theater Shooting Scene

Max Read · 07/20/12 12:03PM

Warner Brothers is pulling the trailer for Gangster Squad — you can watch it above — from theaters, thanks to a scene in which a group of men open fire on a movie theater. (The scene starts around two minutes in.) A few months ago, Fox decided to change the title of its comedy Neighborhood Watch to The Watch after Trayvon Martin was killed in Florida by neighborhood watchman George Zimmerman. [LAT]

America's Wrongest Reporter, ABC News' Brian Ross, Demonstrates Yet Again How He Earned the Title [UPDATED]

John Cook · 07/20/12 10:22AM

When there's breaking news, especially about terrorism and national security, ABC News' Brian Ross is there. And under no circumstances should you listen to anything he says. His latest breathtakingly reckless report: Some Tea Party guy on the internet has the same name as the Dark Knight Rises shooter, so, you know, they have the same name. So there you go. Tea Party.

What Is 9gag and Why Is It Being Blamed for the Colorado Shooting?

Adrian Chen · 07/20/12 09:57AM

As people cast about for some explanation for the horrific shooting in Aurora, Colo., rumors have spread on Twitter and other social networks that the meme-swapping message board 9gag was somehow responsible, and that the 24-year-old suspect James Holmes had posted about his plan to shoot up a theater yesterday. They're almost certainly false.