
'Don't Ask Don't Tell' Repeal Is Dead

Jim Newell · 12/09/10 04:59PM

Barring some extraordinary legislative feat, a repeal of "Don't Ask Don't Tell" appears to be dead, finally. "Moderate" Republicans didn't get their ever-shifting demands met before Harry Reid brought it for a vote today, and it lost.

John McCain's Sad, Permanent Crusade Against Gays in the Military

Jim Newell · 12/02/10 12:27PM

A proposed repeal of "Don't Ask Don't Tell" enjoys the support of a national majority. The Pentagon has thoroughly studied and endorsed it. It wouldn't bother soldiers. DADT has been ruled unconstitutional, anyway. But John McCain needs more.

'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Repeal Really Wouldn't Bother Troops

Jim Newell · 11/30/10 04:12PM

The Pentagon has officially released its several hundred-page study on whether allowing gay soldiers say "I'm gay" aloud would destroy the American military. And its survey results show: Most soldiers do not think that this would destroy the American military.

Horny Old Man Solves 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Forever

Richard Lawson · 11/23/10 01:33PM

Sick of all this gays in the military jibber-jabber? Well, rest easy, because the whole controversy has been settled on The Daily Caller. The solution? Lesbians are totally fine in the military, but gay men (hereafter "gays") are absolutely not.

Jon Stewart's Harshest John McCain Critique Yet

Matt Cherette · 11/15/10 11:40PM

Tonight, Jon Stewart spent a few minutes discussing, in detail, just how ridiculous and archaic—not to mention ever-evolving—John McCain's stance on "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" is, marking Stewart's harshest critique yet of McCain's increasingly indefensible views. Watch inside.