
American Media: A Filthy Business

abalk2 · 05/21/07 02:15PM

We're not sure whether the rumors about American Media moving Star and its other titles down to Boca are true or not, but if so, it might be for the best. According to a someone who works there, the place is disgusting.

Big Eye At CBS May Be Brown

abalk2 · 11/30/06 05:15PM

Apart from e-mails asking for advice on offing yourself, we tend to get a variety of work-related anecdotage posted to the old inbox. Today we received one such story. It's a long, detailed account of an affront to the dignity of CBS News employees. It seems unbalanced at first, but as it wends toward its inevitable conclusion, it achieves a certain kind of poetry. Should you be wary of the length, or unable to click on the jump, we'll give you the quick summary: There's some doody on the wall in the men's room, and it's been there for a long, long time. Admit it, now you can't resist.

'Times' Award Winners Feeling the Pinch?

abalk2 · 11/02/06 02:45PM

How bad are things getting at the Times? Among the rumblings of mutiny comes the following complaint, which, per standard procedure, we will pass along without verification in hopes of eventual confirmation: