
"Gay Conversion" Therapist Using "Color Therapy" Is Colorblind

Rich Juzwiak · 03/19/14 10:39AM

Last night on U.K. TV, doctor/TV presenter/hunk of stuff Christian Jessen underwent various kinds of reparative therapy people seek to rid themselves of homosexuality in the one-off special Undercover Doctor: Cure Me I'm Gay. Now listen to me, 'cause I am about to fuck you up with some truth in the form of the spoiler to end all spoilers: It didn't work. Ingesting a drug so that he threw up as he was presented with naked men didn't work. Being fed subliminal messages about his penis' ability to remain erect inside of a vagina didn't work. Being told by evangelist teenagers that homosexuality is caused by demons didn't work (although it did make him cry).