
Hear a Defector's Shocking 180 on 'Cult Like' Zappos

Ryan Tate · 09/29/11 08:58PM

Zappos employee Christina Gomez sounded like an opiated zombie when she first talked to Freakonomics Radio. "This job is worth more than a million dollars, definitely," she said. "It's kind of like the Wizard of Oz, and we're in the Emerald City." A week later, Gomez was wondering what she had been smoking — and raising questions about life at the Amazon shoe subsidiary.

Heroic City Board Fines Church of Scientology $413,500, Just to Be Dicks

Seth Abramovitch · 08/24/11 09:45PM

Each member of an "obscure board of volunteers" representing the city of Clearwater, Florida, has earned a gold star and pat on the back, as they have ruled that the Church of Scientology must cough up $413,500 in fines which they could have easily written off.

Sing-a-Long Scientology Video Surfaces

Maureen O'Connor · 06/20/11 01:03PM

Ooh, look, another propaganda video from Hollywood's favorite cult, the Church of Scientology. This one appears to have been filmed in the early '90s, and features a fascinating shot of Church leader David Miscavige singing a Scientology hymn with his cronies.

L. Ron Hubbard Predicted the Destruction of Our Planet

John Cook · 05/27/11 12:32PM

The one thing Scientology has always been missing, as far as dangerous cults go, is a good apocalyptic prophecy. It was always more about destroying enemies and controlling time, matter, and energy than heralding the end of days. But it turns out L. Ron Hubbard actually did predict the Earth's destruction.

And on the Eighth Day, God Created Apple

Remy Stern · 05/21/11 03:30PM

Apple-y thoughts apparently inhabit the same part of the brain of Apple fanatics as religious thoughts do in religious folks. Scientists using MRI scanners to see what parts of the brain "lit up" as volunteers viewed Apple imagery found that radical fanboyism is close to a religion in the minds of the afflicted.

Meet the Bizarre Scientology Stalking Squad

Max Read · 04/20/11 09:25PM

What happens if you leave the official Church of Scientology, but remain an independent, practicing Scientologist? As apostate Marty Rathbun learned the other day, a group of bearded men with cameras attached to their heads stalks you. Seriously.

What Scientology's Japan Recruitment Letters Look Like

Maureen O'Connor · 04/13/11 05:17PM

Two days ago, we reported on the Church of Scientology's junk science relief efforts in Japan, through its Volunteer Ministry program. Now we have materials the church uses to recruit members for the ministry, which is "an effective way of getting Scientology applied on a broad, grass-roots level through the society."

Meet Two Trailer Park Residents Standing Up to Scientology

Seth Abramovitch · 04/07/11 01:12AM

Good news: your friendly neighborhood Church of Scientology is expanding their golf course! Bad news: that involves evicting all the residents of Sleepy Hollow, a 30-year-old trailer park located near their San Jacinto headquarters. 21 tenants have already left the premises, but two brave souls are holding out.

The Best Scientology Video You'll See Today

Max Read · 02/11/11 03:15AM

Sure, Scientology may just be a front for slave-built motorcycles for celebrities, but it's got a positive side! For example, did you know that Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard was also a songwriter? Don't take our word for it! Watch actor/bon vivant Frank Stallone, clad in leather slacks, sing two of Hubbard's fantastic songs, live in concert. "Hey," you may find yourself asking, "is that onetime teen idol Leif Garrett?" You bet it is! Sample lyric: "You are not minds/Or chemicals/You don't even have a phone/You're in a trap/Of senseless minds/And baby it's time to be reborn." [via minge]

Tom Cruise's Favorite Toys Were Built For Free by Scientology Slaves

John Cook · 02/10/11 04:56PM

These motorcycles belong to Tom Cruise and David Miscavige, the leader of Scientology. Miscavige's is in the center; Cruise's Honda Rune is on the left and his Triumph Rocket is on the right. Those luscious, deep red tones were custom-painted by Scientology drones earning less than $1 an hour.

The Scientology Expose We've Been Waiting For

John Cook · 01/05/11 05:46PM

New Yorker staff writer and Looming Tower author Lawrence Wright is writing what his agent calls "the most profound reckoning to date" with Scientology, told through the eyes of director and apostate Paul Haggis. This should be good.