
New York's Most Bizarre Beauty Rituals

cityfile · 09/18/09 11:27AM

You've heard of a spermine facial, haven't you? (If you haven't, it's exactly what you probably think it is.) How about a bird poop facial, which has gotten lots of media attention recently? Maybe you'd be interested in "extreme cryotherapy," which involves stepping into a chamber that's been cooled to 216 degrees below freezing and which may tighten your skin, assuming you survive? (You can actually scratch that last one off your list; it isn't available in New York just yet.) If you're feeling adventurous as we head into fall—and you've got some cash to burn—there are all sorts of dubious procedures you can subject yourself to, provided, that is, you can get beyond their horrifying descriptions. A collection of some of the zaniest ones—and where you can find them in NYC—is below.

Cryotherapy: Freeze Yourself Young

cityfile · 01/07/09 11:26AM

It sounds like the perfect pastime for anyone obsessed with staying young who also happens to enjoy a little light masochism. "Extreme cryotherapy" is like an anti-sauna: You enter a chamber that's chilled to 216 degrees below freezing, which is "nearly 100 degrees colder than the lowest natural temperature ever recorded on Earth." Immediately, as ABC reporter Nick Watt discovers, you feel like your heart is "about to explode.... mixed with a strange euphoria." While remaining in the chamber longer than two minutes will quite possibly kill you, if you do survive, your skin ought to look a bit younger, which is obviously totally worth the risk of sudden organ failure.