
Gather 'Round Ye Gawker Yule Log

Max Read · 12/24/10 05:00PM

We've got some punch to drink and cookies to eat, so we're signing off now—though we'll be back tomorrow! Until then, we invite you to gather 'round our very own Yule Log and bask in its warm glow.

Give Us Your Gift-Giving Horror Stories

Brian Moylan · 12/23/10 11:35AM

Between the travel, bad weather, and family functions, Christmas can be perilous. But nothing is more fraught than the act of gift giving. We know you people have gotten some awful gifts, and we want to hear about it.

Bills, Bills, Bills

Richard Lawson · 12/17/10 04:11PM

Doing some last minute decorating before the in-laws come and see the place? Well, we're giving away a lovely print to put up on your walls, and all you have to do to win it is enter a caption contest.

The Gawker Help Desk

Remy Stern · 12/15/10 01:30AM

If you're still experiencing issues with your Gawker Media account, you can contact Please be patient. Our tech team is responding to people as quickly as possible.

The Royal Treatment

Richard Lawson · 12/10/10 05:03PM

Have family coming over for the holidays and in need some offbeat art to liven up those bare white walls? Well, today we're giving away two sets of quirky prints, which you can win simply by entering a caption contest.

Gawker Dating: Uniting You in Awkwardness

Richard Lawson · 12/09/10 11:48AM

As something of a social experiment, Gawker is introducing a relatively lo-fi dating service! It'll take place in the comments, under the tag #gawkerdating. Leave a want ad, a picture, or both!