
How Bad is M. Night Shyamalan's New Movie? (Really Bad.)

Max Read · 06/30/10 11:41PM

Sixth Sense director M. Night Shyamalan has a new movie out. It's called The Last Airbender; it is apparently based on some kind of cartoon; and it really, truly sucks. Like, "4 per cent 'fresh' on Rotten Tomatoes" sucks.

My Bloody Valentine's: A Cinematic Disaster

Richard Lawson · 02/12/10 03:11PM

Yikes. We all knew that the new overstuffed, all-star ensemble Love Actually rip-off Valentine's Day was going to be bad — Topher Grace and Taylor Swift?? — but not this bad. The reviews are in and they are, mostly, scathing.

British Critics Declare Avatar a Non-Trainwreck

Richard Rushfield · 12/10/09 05:05PM

Next week the world's critics will have their (completely meaningless) say about whether James Cameron's 3D extravaganza was worth waiting a decade for. But today, a couple British papers are jumping the gun to say it didn't suck.

All That Sucks About Steve

Richard Rushfield · 09/04/09 03:14PM

It was a nailbiter, and the fierce competition came down to the wire. In a summer led by Transformers 2, it seemed like movie released was the worst movie of the summer. But only one film could win.

Giuseppe's Latest Crime: $513 for Dinner

cityfile · 01/21/09 09:18AM

It's been nothing but bad news for Giuseppe Cipriani these past few months and the family will face off in court against Rainbow Room landlord Tishman Speyer later this month. One person who probably won't be putting in a good word with the judge: Bloomberg food critic Ryan Sutton, who is so outraged by his recent "crummy three-course dinner for two" that cost $513 ($621 when you factor in the drinks) that he says that "the Ciprianis should be banished from the Rainbow Room." Also? "They should apologize for desecrating one of Manhattan's great sky-high vistas with sky-high prices for airline food. [Bloomberg]

The Critics Are Crazy About 'Bride Wars'!

STV · 01/08/09 03:05PM

Remember when Eddie Murphy's post-Dreamgirls Oscar fantasy died in the blast of the bomb that followed it? Anne Hathaway, we have found your Norbit.