Sam Sifton is trying to stay undercover, as the New York Times food critic, despite the invention of internet photo-sharing. Fat chance. Precisely!

Sifton tells Women's Wear Daily he's not worried about those photos of him circulating on the internet. He looks totally different now, having blimped up and grown his receding hair, sort of like Alton Brown in his late-Elvis phase:

Pete Wells sent me to the country for a week, and now none of my clothes fit and I'm using a comb for the first time since the 1990s.

You all turned in some fantastic entries in our Give Sam Sifton a Disguise Photoshop-o-rama yesterday; see the entries from atlasfugged above and below. But Sifton has given us some (possibly misleading) clues: What would Sifton look like fat, with hair? We encourage your guesses. As will a great many vigilant/aggrieved restaurateurs, no doubt.