
Park Bench Makes You Feel Guilty

Hamilton Nolan · 12/09/09 05:16PM

"To the glory of Kathleen (Kay) Mandell: Who at age 32 was stricken by Lou Gehrig's disease that caused her muscles to waste away, one by one, until her throat paralysed and she choked to death while fully conscious." No!

Creepy Job Listing of the Day

Pareene · 05/05/09 03:15PM

Do you need a job? Are you a young woman with "both head and body shots"? Do you have great hands? We have a job for you! You're gonna love it!

Unsettling Photo Ruins Friday Afternoon

Pareene · 01/23/09 05:52PM

This is your "soul-melting funny foto of the week," a terrifying morph from dumb old George W. Chimpy McHilter to President Hopey Hussein.

Bad Senator's Bad Touch

Pareene · 12/01/08 05:51PM

Here's Saxby Chambliss, Georgia Senator, in a campaign ad for tomorrow's runoff election to decide whether he'll keep his seat, groping his granddaughter. Video attached, natch.

Bizarre Ad People Need Drugs

Hamilton Nolan · 09/09/08 01:06PM

The olden days were full of free-flowing psychoactive drugs, grotesque torture machines for the advancement of human beauty, and creepy children intent on eating anything in their path, judging by the advertising way back when. From a longer list at Weirdomatic, we give you seven classic ads to make you glad you live in our modern age, when Ritalin has replace Nembutal as our drug of choice for small children:

Busty Teen Finds Stepdad's Mullet Irresistible

Hamilton Nolan · 09/08/08 03:07PM

It may well be within the realm of human achievement to make an ad for Hair Club For Men that does not cause an involuntary shudder of revulsion. But this is not that ad. This is an ad where a bald man goes to Hair Club to grow a curly mullet, and is then fawned over by his own comely "stepdaughter." "Is that your stepdad...oh my gosh, he's not too bad looking!" Christ, why, why? All the disturbing subtext you can fit in one minute:

World's Worst Pickup Artist Has World's Greatest Website

Pareene · 06/27/08 11:41AM

Hey! Remember Dimitri, the guy who left the psychotic voicemails? Remember how much fun we had with that? Dimitri doesn't seem to be too upset that his incredibly creepy pickup strategy leaked onto the internet. He just relaunched his webstite! THE OFFICIAL WEB SITE OF DIMITRI THE LOVER, CANADA'S GREATEST LOVER AND SEDUCER is live! Just last night his site announced something major in the works. And here it is! He's working on a full-length documentary, apparently, as well as two reality shows. One is called "Doctor Dimitri, Malpractice Investigator," which actually sounds totally A+ would watch.

Voicemail From the Worst Pickup Artist Ever

Pareene · 06/26/08 05:12PM

Meet Dimitri! He met you on the street the other day and just wanted to say hi, and have sex with you. Call him "as soon as you have the courage to." He doesn't like leaving second messages, but he likes you. "Here how it's going to work. It is now 4:30 on Wednesday. Now I'll assume-I'll assume that you've already work. ... But if i do not receive a phone call back from you by 3 o'clock, Thursday afternoon, I am no longer interested. and you can erase my phone number. I do not play games like that." There's NOTHING WRONG WITH HIM. But maybe your mother has cancer? So. WHO IS DIMITIRI? He's probably this guy:

Creepy Old Book Covers

ian spiegelman · 04/05/08 12:04PM

Remember when cover art was fun and freaky and had nothing to do with the Hamptons or Manolo Blahniks? Well, me neither, since I wasn't alive then. But apparently, there was such a time. More examples after the jump.

Janet Jackson Controls Your Mind With Hand Signs

Hamilton Nolan · 03/05/08 11:24AM

Janet Jackson: famous, but creepy. The sheltered, fame-enslaved singer is starting to act as disconcerting as her sheltered, fame-enslaved brother. She went on Jimmy Kimmel's show last night, bringing a robotic, vacant stare and a heart-shaped hand sign that she flashes to her followers in the crowd like some Skull & Bones ritual, sending them into emotional outbursts for no apparent reason. Bonus educational fact: She calls her fans "Janet fans." So there. Click to watch and wonder what created this woman.

Cyborg Moths And Robot Dragonflies Are Watching You!

Choire · 10/09/07 12:40PM

A thousand paranoid crystal meth enthusiasts have just been vindicated! Maybe. It is possible that tiny robotic insects are hovering over New York's parks and demonstrations, watching your every move. They know when you are sleeping, they know when you hate the state. Says the Washington Post: "No agency admits to having deployed insect-size spy drones. But a number of U.S. government and private entities acknowledge they are trying. Some federally funded teams are even growing live insects with computer chips in them, with the goal of mounting spyware on their bodies and controlling their flight muscles remotely." God, I bet Google has a hand in this too!

Maggie · 10/08/07 04:50PM

Oh for chrissakes. While in Paris to visit the crash site where Princess Diana died, the jury for the inquest into her death boarded a bus in order to retrace her steps. Outside of the Ritz Hotel, the bus crashed into a small pillar, knocking over a police motorcycle and blowing a tire. The cause of the crash? Throngs of murderous paparazzi waiting for their arrival. Yeah, that's not eerie at all. [Sky]