The Glenn Beck Ad Boycott List
Hamilton Nolan · 08/17/09 03:02PMSuicide Threats Are Not an Appropriate Attention-Seeking Tactic
Hamilton Nolan · 08/17/09 10:26AMMichele Bachmann's Son Sent to Obama Reeducation Camp
Pareene · 08/12/09 10:14AMCrazy Knife Lady Attack Jazzes Up Astor Trial
Hamilton Nolan · 08/12/09 08:39AMOnly 9 Percent of Utahns Think Barry Obama Was Secretly Born in Kenya!
Pareene · 08/10/09 04:21PMRush Is Disappearing Before Our Very Eyes
cityfile · 08/05/09 02:35PM
Rush Limbaugh can't seem to bring himself to leave New York City, as he's promised on several occasions over the past year. But he is disappearing ever so slowly. The right-wing demagogue has lost 80 pounds over the past few months thanks to some sort of diet called "Quick Weight Loss," bringing him down from 300 pounds to a svelte 210. At that rate, you can look forward to him vanishing entirely sometime before the end of 2009. [Page2Live, previously]
Glenn Beck: Man of A Thousand Voices
Pareene · 08/05/09 02:04PMIt's best to watch this clip without any context or introduction. Just click, and press play, and prepare to be entertained.
Bill Clinton Frees US Reporters From Kim Jong-Il's Clutches
Hamilton Nolan · 08/04/09 02:21PMIvy Supersonic Melts Down
cityfile · 07/30/09 02:01AM
If you suspected that Ivy Supersonic, the Howard Stern groupie and self-described "fashion designer, entertainer, publicist, promoter, event planner, and animated character designer" wasn't the most balanced person on the planet, consider your suspicions confirmed. It seems she went off her meds recently, has been roaming the streets armed with a knife, thinks Ray Kelly is conspiring against her, and had to be sent to Bellevue by the police yesterday. [NYDN]
The Losers' Guide to the NYC Mayoral Race
Hamilton Nolan · 07/28/09 01:53PMMeet Crazy Eileen the Birther
Pareene · 07/27/09 01:59PM'You Could Be Allergic to Wi-Fi!'
Hamilton Nolan · 07/27/09 12:28PMCNN Boss Tells Lou Dobbs: Birther Story is 'Dead'
Hamilton Nolan · 07/24/09 03:13PMIn Which Birthers Wander DC Handing Out Insane Documents to the Sweet Sounds of Van Halen
Pareene · 07/22/09 04:47PMThe Birthers: Who Are They and What Do They Want?
Pareene · 07/22/09 01:19PMBirthers Displeased With Reasonable Republican
Pareene · 07/21/09 09:22AMSee, this lady says Barack Obama is "a citizen of Kenya," and wants to know what her Representative plans to do about the fact that a Kenyan has become the president. So Castle says: "Well I don't know what comment that invites. If you're referring to the president, then he is a citizen of the United States."