
Blockbuster's Finally Going Bankrupt

Hamilton Nolan · 08/27/10 10:47AM

Blockbuster—an anachronism in a Netflix/ on demand world—will be filing for bankruptcy next month, according to the LA Times. Fear not, sentimental veterans of many a "Blockbuster night" (making out): the Blockbuster brand shall not disappear.

American Apparel: All News Is Bad News

Hamilton Nolan · 08/18/10 03:54PM

Yesterday came the first real signs that American Apparel could soon face bankruptcy. Today, the news for Dov Charney's breast-covering empire grows darker: a shareholder lawsuit, rumored store closings, a stock that's still plummeting, and disgruntled employees emailing us.

The Decline and Fall of Barnes and Noble

Hamilton Nolan · 08/04/10 09:36AM

Barnes & Noble is putting itself up for sale! Remember when everyone thought B&N would become the Wal-Mart of book selling, an indomitable corporate force controlling the literary world? Boy how wrong that was, huh?