
Why Aren't Americans Shopping at Wal-Mart Any More?

Hamilton Nolan · 02/23/11 11:34AM

Box-shaped trinket warehouse Wal-Mart announced its fourth quarter sales figures yesterday, and the news was dark: although profit was up, sales at its U.S. stores fell for the seventh straight quarter. Why don't we love our Wal-Marts, any more?

Now You Can Sue Stores for Asking for Your ZIP Code

Hamilton Nolan · 02/16/11 12:44PM

Do you know how sometimes you go to buy a pack of gum or some spoons or a pack of washcloths and the person at the register demands that you tell them your ZIP code, in order to be granted the right to hand over money for your purchase? And you're like "Buh? That is so exploitative. Well whatever, I really need these spoons." Yes, well, last week that practice was ruled illegal by the Supreme Court of California. And already, "More than a dozen new lawsuits have been filed against major chains that do business in California, including Wal-Mart Stores Inc., Bed Bath & Beyond Inc., Crate & Barrel and Victoria's Secret" over their ZIP Code-asking ways.

Michelle Obama's Arms Take Down Wal-Mart

Hamilton Nolan · 01/20/11 03:47PM

Wal-Mart today announced a five-year plan to modestly reduce sodium, sugar, and trans fats in all the food it sells. For this, they got a press conference with Michelle Obama in a sleeveless dress. Totally worth it. [NYT]

AMI Executives Agree: Everything's Fine at AMI

Hamilton Nolan · 01/14/11 04:00PM

Yesterday we told you that a revolt may be brewing at National Enquirer publisher AMI, where employees are upset about furloughs, layoffs, and perceived management screw-ups following its recent bankruptcy. Did we get some feedback from AMI execs? Did we!

Borders Death Watch

Hamilton Nolan · 01/04/11 10:14AM

Just last month, the book chain Borders was being touted as a possible buyer of Barnes & Noble. Today, Borders itself is struggling to survive. How bad is it? Let's roll the most recent low-lights.

Pay No Attention to This Quid Pro Quo

Hamilton Nolan · 12/15/10 10:12AM

Just to be perfectly clear: yes, Save The Children has suddenly stopped its work in support of a tax on soda; but no, that's not connected to the huge monetary grant the group's seeking from the Coca-Cola corporation. Okay. [NYT]

How Do We Keep Wal-Mart Out of NYC?

Hamilton Nolan · 12/13/10 02:03PM

Yes, Wal-Mart is once again trying to build one of its nefarious "stores" here in New York City. We're not going to debate whether this is a good thing. We're going to jump right to "How do we stop it?"

Naming Rights to 'America' Now For Sale

Hamilton Nolan · 12/06/10 12:00PM

Trick question: What's poorer than an American city? Answer: the American state in which that city is located! Haha. But seriously, are you interested in paying to plaster your name on any public property, anywhere? You totally can.