
Netflix Prices Skyrocket

Ryan Tate · 07/12/11 03:16PM

Your new boyfriend Netflix just became more like your ex, the evil cable company, jacking up rates 60 percent on one popular plan and spinning it as a big boon to consumers. He's just daring you to dump him.

PepsiCo Is the Only Thing Keeping Poor People Alive

Hamilton Nolan · 07/07/11 08:34AM

The only thing standing between impoverished rural Indians and total physical collapse is the good will of international sugar-water conglomerate PepsiCo, which soon hopes to be making $30 billion a year by selling "good for you" products to people so desperate that they will turn to PepsiCo to find something good for them. "Good," in this context, means "not Pepsi cola." Please allow the WSJ to present tonight's specials at the Rural Indian PepsiCo Cafe:

Go Back to Sleep, It's Just the Rich Getting Richer

Hamilton Nolan · 06/20/11 02:47PM

An important part of being a successful American citizen these days is tempering your expectations. Calmness. Deep breaths. Freedom from all forms of desire. So when you hear, for example, that your economically devastated city won't see a return to pre-recession employment levels for another decade, you'll be able to take that news with poise, rather than with a stroke.

At Target, the Assholes Win

Hamilton Nolan · 06/20/11 12:03PM

After a long and intense battle between union organizers and corporate anti-union forces, workers at the Valley Stream, NY Target store last Friday voted against unionizing. But a few good things did come out of this whole messy process.

Target Workers Vote Against Unionization, Intimidation Alleged

Max Read · 06/18/11 10:59AM

Workers at the Target store in Valley Stream, N.Y. voted against joining the United Food and Commercial Workers on Friday, 137-85. Had the measure passed, the Valley Stream location would have been the first Target in the U.S. to be unionized.

PR Firm Offers Strategists, Creators, Connectors, and Catalysts of Bullshit

Hamilton Nolan · 06/15/11 09:14AM

Traditionally, job titles at PR firms work like this: the lowliest slaves who are forced to cold-call angry reporters and write unread press releases all day are called "account executives," and everyone else is a "VP" of one sort or another, whether or not they are actually in charge of anything, or competent.

Target vs. Unions: An Inside Look

Hamilton Nolan · 05/25/11 12:49PM

Yesterday, we learned that friendly red-hued big box retailer Target is now the "target," ha, of a union campaign here in New York. Goodbye, Target's reputation as a place that liberals who don't like Wal-Mart can shop without guilt! But just how anti-union is Target? According to former Target employees: very.

Target Gets Its Own Union Battle

Hamilton Nolan · 05/24/11 12:20PM

Wal-Mart has long been the target of hard-hitting union campaigns, because it is the nation's largest company as well as an evil union-busting death star. But what about Target? They get off scott-free, just for not being Wal-Mart! Until now.