
White People in Williamsburg Want Your Sympathy, Too

Louis Peitzman · 03/25/12 12:48PM

We talk a lot about white privilege, but what about the prejudices white people face on a daily basis? In a New York Daily News article, members of Williamsburg's white male population sound off on profiling. Of the 17,566 stop-and-frisks by police last year, 10 percent were white people.

Three Nassau County Cops Indicted For Special Favors to a Donor

John Cook · 03/02/12 04:29PM

The worm turns: As we've reported in the past, the Nassau County Police Department's internal affairs division did a special favor for Bill O'Reilly a couple years back by investigating the detective who was dating his wife. The investigation was launched in part because O'Reilly was considering a sizable donation to the NCPD's private foundation. Yesterday, the Nassau County District Attorney announced the indictments of three NCPD officials for...doing special favors for a donor to the NCPD's private foundation.

City of Chicago Makes Boy Cry Hysterically By Rescinding His Award

Danny Gold · 02/13/12 09:45PM

This young man won a contest to design a new sticker for the city of Chicago. Then someone in the department noticed that there may be gang signs hidden in the design. The award was taken away. The young man did not respond well. Judging by his reaction, he is not cut out for the gang life.

Police Raid Occupy DC Site at McPherson Square

Molly Fitzpatrick · 02/04/12 06:55AM

While you were sleeping, getting ready for work, or—most likely—doing anything besides being a protestor or a cop, United States Park Police entered the Occupy DC encampment at McPherson Square in riot gear at 5:30 this morning.

We Came Very Close to Learning About Bill O'Reilly's Relationship to the Nassau County Cops

John Cook · 02/03/12 01:35PM

Yesterday, a Nassau County Supreme Court judge ruled that the Nassau County Police Department had improperly withheld records about its relationship with Fox News' Bill O'Reilly, and agreed to release them at 10:30 this morning. About 45 minutes before the documents were due to become available, Nassau County attorneys appealed the decision and obtained a stay of the order.

FBI Chainsaws Wrong Door, Holds Wrong Woman At Gunpoint

Ryan Tate · 02/02/12 10:09AM

FBI agents swarmed a Fitchburg, Massachusetts woman's apartment, chainsawed a hole in her door — apparently that's how cops bust their way into homes now? — and held her and her daughter on the ground at gunpoint for 35 minutes. While the federal agents were going apeshit on apartment 2R, the actual guy they were after was sauntering out of apartment 2F.

More Than 400 Occupy Protesters Have Been Arrested in Oakland

Louis Peitzman · 01/29/12 04:53PM

The number keeps rising, but Reuters is now saying more than 400 Occupy Oakland protesters have been arrested as Saturday night's protests continue into Sunday. That's obviously a pretty significant number, and it trumps the "between 200 and 300" number authorities gave earlier in the day. As has been the case throughout the Occupy movement, police officers and government officials claim they are only doing their jobs of maintaining the peace, while protesters insist the authorities are going way overboard.

Video: L.A. Cops Shoot a Guy Point-Blank Outside a Carl's Jr.

John Cook · 01/24/12 10:35AM

Police officers in Monterey Park, Calif., shot and killed a man in the parking lot of a Carl's Jr. yesterday morning, and witnesses caught it on video. According to the New York Daily News, the man, who was wearing a dark hoodie, was breaking windows inside the restaurant. The video shows him coming out into the parking lot carrying what looks like a shovel or large hammer. The cops appear to taser him, which has no effect. When he seems to rear up to swing the object in his hand—but before swinging it—the two officers fire off ten shots.

Court Docs Confirm O'Reilly's Crusade Against Cuckolding Cop

John Cook · 12/21/11 01:50PM

The Nassau County Police Department has acknowledged in a court filing that Bill O'Reilly played a role in an internal affairs investigation into an NCPD detective, confirming a key element of Gawker's exclusive story last August detailing how the Fox News blowhard tried to have the cop who was dating his wife investigated by his own police department.

Here's a Cop Tasing a 14-Year-Old Girl While She Puts Her Hands Up

Max Read · 12/15/11 12:35PM

On the afternoon of September 29 in Allentown, Penn., according to police, a group of high school students who'd just been released from school were moving so slowly while crossing the street that they'd stopped traffic. Officer Jason Ammary attempted to deal with this pressing issue by "issuing verbal commands"; when that was unsuccessful, he approached a 14-year-old student named Keshana Wilson to "get [her] to move along." Ammary says she began to curse at him, "inciting the crowd," which Ammary determined to be an arrestable offense. This is where this video, taken by closed-circuit TV and obtained by the Allentown Morning Call, begins, more or less. (It's missing nearly a minute of footage, for reasons that are unclear.)

Cops Do Something Good for Once, Refuse to Evict 103-Year-Old

Max Read · 11/30/11 11:20AM

Cops managed to not pepper-spray a victim of our country's absurdly creditor-happy finance laws for once in their lives this weekend when they refused to evict a 103-year-old woman and her 83-year-old daughter. Progress!