
What's Going On Today at CPAC, the Conservative Troll Terrordome?

Adam Weinstein · 03/06/14 10:14AM

Today starts the three-day annual circus known as the Conservative Political Action Conference, in which Washington journalists scurry like wounded, hungry cooing doves in search of crazy bite from right-wing presidential hopefuls, and also Rick Perry. Gawker is there, too.

The Wall Street Journal on the Nuclear Option: 2005 vs. 2013

Hamilton Nolan · 11/22/13 11:11AM

Today, the Wall Street Journal's editorial page decried the Democratic Senate's use of the "nuclear option" to end filibusters of presidential nominees, sniffing, "They view the minority as an inconvenience to be rolled." But... but you said before...

How Conservatives Pretend That Martin Luther King Was One of Them

Hamilton Nolan · 08/28/13 09:23AM

Remember Martin Luther King, Jr., the oppressed Southern black man, the freedom fighter, the peacenik, who called for radical progressive civil rights and economic justice legislation, and who was smeared as a Communist? Today, pundits would like to remind you that he was, of course, a "conservative."

Thanks to Donald Trump, "Christian Evangelical" Is Now an Empty Phrase

Adam Weinstein · 04/26/13 07:52AM

"Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers; But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot." What a crock of shit.

What Obama's Second Term Will Really Look Like

Mallory Ortberg · 11/07/12 08:51PM

There is a particular type of white person who startles easily, like a sensitive, inbred racehorse or a motherless baby bird. As you might imagine, this has not been an easy week for them. What do they fear? Everything, mostly. Religions that are very similar but not identical to their own. Loud voices and bold fonts. Multi-book series that are not trilogies. More specifically, they fear what will happen to this most American of the Americas during another four years of an Obama presidency.

'I can't stop crying. America died': Donald Trump and Victoria Jackson Melt Down on Twitter

Max Read · 11/07/12 12:47AM

While most of us are celebrating Mitt Romney's defeat in the streets by legally smoking marijuana and gay-marrying randomly-chosen passers-by, not everyone is quite so happy. And thanks to Twitter, we know about it. Vibrating bologna loaf Donald Trump, mistakenly believing that Romney won the popular vote, is calling for "revolution," — revolution! — while former SNL actress Victoria Jackson is sobbing and telling Christians that they "disgust" her. We've saved all of their most embarrassing (some already deleted) Tweets here:

Political Pundits Are Mostly Worthless

Hamilton Nolan · 10/26/12 01:30PM

Politics, like sports, is a subject whose barrier to entry is nonexistent. That is to say, it takes virtually no knowledge of any sort in order to have an opinion on the topic. That is why politics, like sports, is such a popular thing to talk about. It is also why the vast majority of the political talk by professional political talkers is worthless.

Arkansas GOP Candidate Endorses Death Penalty to Discipline Rebellious Children

Cord Jefferson · 10/09/12 12:49PM

Charlie Fuqua is a lawyer and former Arkansas state legislator running for reelection on the Republican ticket. He is also, it turns out, a big believer in the Biblical practice of dangling the threat of death over children's heads in order to get them to respect their parents. What a guy!

Cutesy Right-Wing Ecards Are a Thing

Adrian Chen · 07/24/12 12:03PM

The stylized drawings and hip fonts of Someecards do not at first seem compatible with virulent right-wing sentiment. But this is the internet: Wackjobs find a way. Check out these hilarious right-wing ecards, coming to a conservative relative's Facebook wall near you.