
Is Ratfucking Journalism Dead?

Adam Weinstein · 07/08/14 02:20PM

James O'Keefe's latest video exposé is another selectively edited pooch-screw. A conservative kids' blog gets blasted for paying political operatives and snowing sources. A bowtied bro and his protegé, who's trying to do the Tea Party a solid, get played by Cuban spies. The right-wing gotcha industry is in disarray!

Senate Approves Federal Welfare for Second Amendment Men

Adam Weinstein · 07/08/14 01:05PM

In a rare show of bipartisanship between Republicans, blue dogs, and embattled Democrats facing tight elections, the Senate overwhelmingly approved a bizarre plan to use federal funds to encourage shooting on public land and exempt lead bullets from pollution guidelines.

Conservatives Mourn Clinton-Adoring Tycoon Who Loved Abortion

Adam Weinstein · 07/07/14 04:10PM

Richard Mellon Scaife is dead, and conservatives are sad. Long before the Kochs became infamous, Scaife pumped millions into a "vast right-wing conspiracy" to nail the Clintons for... whatever. But Scaife's admirers forgot his love of Planned Parenthood and change of heart toward Hillary and Bill.

Fallout From Miss. Senate Race Reaches New Level of Absurdity

Adam Weinstein · 07/03/14 10:55AM

This was predictable. The war between a Tea Party conservative and the sitting senator he challenged in Mississippi's GOP primary last month is intensifying, with name-calling, Baba Booey-style gonzo tactics, and pearl-clutching accusations of voter fraud involving black Democrats. Deep South, y'all!

Reminder: Ann Coulter Is a Troll

Hamilton Nolan · 07/01/14 08:47AM

Lanky Aryan Ann Coulter was on TV yesterday smiling gleefully about the fact that her recent column on soccer being a dumb, un-American sport provoked a tidal wave of outraged responses in the media. Her glee is perfectly justified.

GOP Hopeful: My Public Masturbation Fetish and Felonies Were Bad Ideas

Adam Weinstein · 06/27/14 10:53AM

Jordan D. Haskins, candidate for Michigan Legislature, wants everyone to know conservatives embrace imperfect people, too. So let him explain his multiple felony convictions for breaking into government vehicles, disconnecting the sparkplugs, and jerking off while the engines cranked.

S.C. Voters Strip Mayor of Power for Firing Popular Gay Police Chief

Adam Weinstein · 06/25/14 10:37AM

Amid last night's Beltway bluster over which conservative Republican would win a Deep South Senate seat, the media missed some pretty interesting local election results—like the South Carolina town that rallied to back a gay police chief and punish the mayor who fired her two months ago.

Adam Weinstein · 06/20/14 11:15AM

Adam Weinstein · 06/17/14 03:13PM

"He would literally say...'God has told me I'm chosen to cut taxes and stop killing babies,' even in casual conversation." This is the nicest thing anyone has to say about Scott Walker, who will never be president, in Alec MacGillis' TNR profile of the Wisconsin governor.

Obama Tries to Distract From Benghazi by Capturing Benghazi Suspect

Adam Weinstein · 06/17/14 11:30AM

Not content to let truth-minded conservatives do their job, the White House made a wild attempt to pre-empt congressional scrutiny of its Benghazi failures by catching one of the architects of the Benghazi attack in a daring nighttime raid.

The Campaign Manager Who Beat Eric Cantor Just Deleted His Facebook

Adam Weinstein · 06/11/14 04:20PM

Boys will be boys. Zachary Werrell, 23, is just a boy who happens to be running the campaign of the tea partier who upset House Majority Leader Eric Cantor in last night's Virginia congressional primary. A boy who, like so many others, suddenly realized his Facebook rants could be a liability.

Angry Conservatives Forgot Their Old Angry Tweets Supporting P.O.W.

Adam Weinstein · 06/04/14 03:05PM

Conservatives want you to know they're simply telling an inconvenient truth about the bad behavior of U.S. soldier Bowe Bergdahl and the Obama administration's effort to get him back from Taliban captivity. It's also a truth that's 180 degrees from the truth they tweeted lo, these many years ago!

Americans Are Big Believers In Science, If You Ignore the Tea Partiers

Adam Weinstein · 06/02/14 03:00PM

You know all that fuss about how liberals love science and conservatives hate it? Well, it turns out that a sizable majority of all Americans have faith in the quantifiable, reproducible conclusions of empirical observation. As long as you leave self-identified Tea Partiers out of the equation.