
Biggie Too Criminal, Too Fat To Have Brooklyn Corner Named After Him

Camille Dodero · 10/16/13 05:45PM

Earlier this year, Brooklyn resident LeRoy McCarthy started an online petition to name a local street corner after Biggie Smalls, specifically an intersection near the late rapper's childhood home. The petition gained enough strength to be brought before a community board hearing yesterday and DNA Info reports that the board members weren't so keen on dedicating part of their neighborhood to the man responsible for "Ten Crack Commandments." In fact, they complained that Biggie was too criminal, too misogynistic, and, weirdly, too physically unfit to deserve the tribute.

That's essentially what one member told the room:

2 A.M.? But We Haven't Even Made Out Yet!

Rebecca · 04/17/08 11:00AM

Talk about a cock-block. Community boards are making it so hard for new Manhattan bars to get a liquor license that allows them to serve liquid happy until 4 a.m., because they hate the things that make New York better than everywhere else. Also something about noise pollution or whatever. But what about not-getting-any pollution? These new bars will have to close up at 2 a.m. and everyone knows that true love is only found in the hours between 2 and 4 a.m. And here we thought the city was trying to get us to use all those free condoms. [NYSun]

Annoying East Village Bar Compared to Concentration Camp

abalk2 · 02/16/07 01:15PM

Grub Street's Daniel Maurer is all over the community board meetings where angry residents try to effect the revocation of neighborhood saloons' liquor licenses. The most recent victim? East Village hot spot Death & Co. on East 6th Street.