Grub Street's Daniel Maurer is all over the community board meetings where angry residents try to effect the revocation of neighborhood saloons' liquor licenses. The most recent victim? East Village hot spot Death & Co. on East 6th Street.

In addition to complaining about noise, Hurley said that neighborhood seniors are scared of Death & Co.'s name (apparently, they're okay with Rogue's March, the name of Hurley's band). Though Death's name comes from a Prohibition-era anti-drinking propaganda piece, neighbors (according to those who spoke at the meeting) find it reminiscent of Nazi fascism and believe the stark cedar exterior recalls an Auschwitz rail car. "A restaurant with no windows seems like an affront," Hurley said.

Wow. There go our plans for "Burgers & Belsen." Nobody tell him about the showers in the bathrooms!

Neighbors Accuse Death & Co. of Noise, Evoking Nazism [Grub Street]