
Comment of the Day: An Emma Watson Dating Theory

Richard Lawson · 06/08/11 05:45PM

Today we learned that the real reason Emma Watson, brainiac wizardess, dropped out of Brown University was because she couldn't get a date. (Or something.) "Huh???" we all wondered. Beautiful, smart, charming her? Yeah, apparently. But why? Why c/wouldn't she date? One commenter speculated.

You Have All Hurt Moby's Feelings

Richard Lawson · 05/20/11 02:57PM

In a interview this week with Fox News, bespectacled musician Moby talked about all the internet haterz and how they make him feel bad, and he specifically mentioned you, Gawker readers.

Comment of the Day: College for All!

Richard Lawson · 05/16/11 05:47PM

Today we got into a discussion about college: Is it worth it? Many commenters started in on how not every job requires a college degree, that it's a waste of time and money in many occasions, etc. But one commenter dissented.