
​Morning Joe Offers an Incredible Comic Tribute to Harold Ramis

Tom Scocca · 02/25/14 03:45PM

Has the death of Harold Ramis left the world a less funny place? MSNBC's "Morning Joe" explored the issue this morning, as NBC News political director Chuck Todd led the show in a discussion of how grievously unfunny the New York Times obituary of Ramis was. Chuck Todd is an expert on what is and is not funny. Here, for devoted students of comic technique, is a transcript of Todd's remarks:

Jonah Hill and Maroon 5 Once Made a Terrible Song About Handjobs

Gabrielle Bluestone · 02/19/14 09:30PM

A video of Jonah Hill and Maroon 5 performing a song about handjobs has been making the rounds, apparently from before Hill made Superbad. And while the clip all together is super bad, the song turns out to be so bad that it's kind of good.

Gabrielle Bluestone · 01/16/14 11:32PM

Comedians are basically psychotics, says a new study from the University of Oxford's department of experimental psychology.

Have You Seen King Bozo?

Max Rivlin-Nadler · 12/14/13 02:30PM

Has anyone seen one of these giftcards around New York City? This Tumblr, run by someone called King Bozo, documents cards given to people in coffee shops, subway trains, and book stores around the city. The cards end up being strangely funny, strangely pretty, or just strange.

Max Read · 10/25/13 01:09PM

"Twitter writer" Kelly Oxford just sold a TV comedy. Hope it's more original than her past stuff?

Bruce Willis Hosted an Amusing Man-Cave Dance Party on SNL

Camille Dodero · 10/13/13 02:29PM

Sassy-television-detective-turned-action-hero Bruce Willis just hosted Saturday Night Live for the first time since 1989, with musical guest Katy Perry. One of the episode's highlights was this amusing digital short about the secret manly society of boy dance parties, a stress-relieving breakdown of herky-jerky man-cave moves that're "not homoerotic, just a call for brotherly unity." This is a rare instance where a twerking joke still really works.

Maggie Lange · 08/14/13 12:17PM

Prepare to high-five a million Tina Fey angels: she's developing a new show for NBC, that should be like "Cheers... on Fire Island." What? Whatever, I mean obviously we'll take it.

LA Sheriff's Deputies Naturally Enjoy Racist Jokes

Hamilton Nolan · 07/25/13 08:34AM

The entertainment at the LA Sheriff's Department "Sheriffs Day Luncheon" yesterday was a stand-up comedian who reportedly told lots of racist jokes, and then received a plaque of appreciation from the LA Sheriff. Yes? And? Sounds like they chose the entertainment perfectly.

I Saw the Full Kanye HBO Pilot and It Is Incredible

Sam Biddle · 07/22/13 10:41PM

An apology is in order: Kanye West's ill-fated Curb You Enthusiasm clone isn't horrible. Tonight the full, half-hour version, once feared lost to history, was screened before a small audience. It was one of the most batshit crazy, wonderful pieces of television you can't imagine.

Jack Handey Just Can't Win

Hamilton Nolan · 07/22/13 02:36PM

Jack Handey has written "Deep Thoughts" for Saturday Night Live, "Shouts and Murmurs" for The New Yorker, and last week published his first novel, The Stench of Honolulu. He is one of the funniest living writers in the world today. He spoke to us via email about comedy, the perils of notoriety, and the best nut.

Let's All Laugh at How Bad Kanye West's HBO Pilot Was

Sam Biddle · 07/15/13 03:27PM

Did you know: in 2010, someone uploaded a clip of Kanye West's improv sitcom HBO pilot to YouTube, and nobody noticed? Three full years and four Kanye albums have passed, and we haven't made fun of him for this. Let's do that riii-iiight now.

Goodbye and Good Riddance, The Hangover

Rich Juzwiak · 05/24/13 10:20AM

In my experience, the Hangover movies are mildly amusing when they aren't despicable. They are founded on a clever premise (retracing the steps of the blackout night before). They relish the joy and profound weirdness that stupidity can produce. They touch on relevant cultural practices and obsessions like eternal adolescence, bro culture, the mispronunciation of words and asshole-spotting.

Amy Schumer Can Take a Compliment

Maggie Lange · 05/17/13 05:45PM

In the most recent episode of Inside Amy Schumer, comedian Amy Schumer’s new show on Comedy Central, there is a sketch about not taking a compliment. A group of women greets each other by doling out kind words and then immediately dismissing the accolade. Oh I look pretty? No I actually look like Susan Boyle's toothbrush.

Comic Legend Jonathan Winters Is Dead

Cord Jefferson · 04/12/13 01:12PM

Jonathan Winters, the comedian who helped make "improv" a household term and kept audiences laughing for over half a century, died last night of natural causes at his home in Montecito, California. He was 87.