The entertainment at the LA Sheriff's Department "Sheriffs Day Luncheon" yesterday was a stand-up comedian who reportedly told lots of racist jokes, and then received a plaque of appreciation from the LA Sheriff. Yes? And? Sounds like they chose the entertainment perfectly.

There is now an uproar, as well as an outcry, because the comedian, Edwin San Juan—"The Funniest Filipino comedian w/ crookEd fingas!"— worked a little blue, according to the LA Times:

The routine lasted at least 30 minutes. San Juan, who described himself on his Twitter feed as Filipino, made fun of the accents of Asians, Indians and other ethnic groups, the attendee said.

Among other things, San Juan made jokes evoking stereotypes about Koreans and used the N-word in a joke in which he mocked a thick Filipino accent.

He was in front of hundreds of LA sheriff's deputies. I believe this is referred to in the comedy biz as "knowing your audience."

[LAT. Photo via FB]