
Birthers Are Back In a Big Way

Adrian Chen · 04/21/10 10:00PM

We've missed the Birthers. They put the "crazy" in "Democrazy". Without them, we've had to confront the actually scary lunacy of the gun nuts and the Tea Party. But now birthers back with new wacky schemes and characters. Woooo!

How LiLo Overplayed Her Hand with a Bungled European Escort Gig

Maureen O'Connor · 02/12/10 03:52AM

Billionaire Richard Lugner—Austria's prince of nouveau riche—pays an estimated $150K each year for a celebrity escort to the Vienna Opera Ball. Lindsay Lohan landed this year's gig—but apparently bungled the details so badly, Lugner said das fuggedaboudit.

Handicapping Everyone's Comeback

Adrian Chen · 02/02/10 11:13PM

They say spring is the season of rebirth. How come everyone is trying to stage comebacks right now, then? So many high profile turnarounds are in the works: Mel Gibson, Michael Vick, butt rashes and more. Who will succeed?

Thanks, But We Don't Want a Mel Gibson Comeback

Richard Lawson · 01/25/10 04:01PM

Mel Gibson — the spasming and scandal-ridden one-time movie star — is poised to debut his first starring-role movie in eight years. Articles are being written about a Comeback! The questions is, do we really want Mel Gibson back?

Jayson Blair's Increasingly Unlikely Career Path

Hamilton Nolan · 08/20/09 09:34AM

Fake reporter Jayson Blair! Did you know he was once a professional Amazon bookseller? It's true! And what is he doing these days? A reasonable guess would be, "Something involving drugs and shattered lives," and that would be totally correct.

AIG Is Making Money Again

John Cook · 08/07/09 11:22AM

Is that good or bad? We just don't know anymore in this topsy-turvy world of bailouts and bonuses and government ownership of corporate monsters. But whatever—AIG pulled in a cool $1.8 billion last quarter.

Handicapping the Sanford Comeback

John Cook · 06/24/09 03:45PM

No, of course it's not too soon! Marshall "Mark" Sanford's abject, prostrate confession this afternoon was wrenching to watch, and has already inspired some outbursts of much-needed sympathy from the punditocracy. It's best to be prepared for a backlash.