
A Earth, Wind & Fire Concert Turns Ugly

Jeff Neumann · 08/23/10 05:20AM

A concert over the weekend in Colorado turned ugly when fans began rioting, burning down vendor tents and throwing people through windows. This might sound like a Juggalo event, but no... it was a Earth, Wind & Fire concert.

Woman Blames Car Crash on Vampire

Max Read · 06/29/10 11:15PM

A Colorado woman says she drove her car into a canal because she was startled by a vampire. The vampire... of bad driving! No, actually, a real vampire. She said she crashed, because of a vampire. [KVDR]

Thief So Desperate for iPad, Rips Off Guy's Finger

Maureen O'Connor · 04/20/10 11:38AM

"It's like a bad dream," said a newly nine-fingered man who lost an iPad to a robber who pulled so hard on the Apple bag intertwined around his fingers that it stripped his pinky to the bone.

The New Newsies Are Thieves!

Joshua David Stein · 01/23/08 06:14AM

Who doesn't remember being a young lad making chump change biking around your neighborhood flinging the local paper onto doorsteps at five in the morning? Being a newsie was as much a rite of passage for America's suburban youth as it was to make some money. But kids these days, yeesh! Just no work ethic. Well, the work ethic is there, the love of newspapers too but the respect for John Q. Law isn't. Turns out in Colorado, thieves are stealing those newspaper machines at an alarming (and industrious) rate. From Folio: "Thefts of newspaper machines in a pair of Colorado counties-Greeley and Weld-have reached high levels, with the 47th Tribune newspaper dispenser stolen this week." More sordid details of the world gone wrong after the jump.