
Is Puffy a Good Commencement Speaker?

Hamilton Nolan · 04/17/14 08:43AM

Recent commencement speakers at Howard University include Barack Obama, John Lewis, and Jesse Jackson. This year's selection: Puffy.

Teen With Down Syndrome Opens His College Acceptance Letter

Jay Hathaway · 04/16/14 11:45AM

When high school senior Noah VanVooren was born with Down Syndrome 18 years ago, doctors told his parents he would never be able to "walk, talk, or do anything," his dad says. Well, Noah just found out he'll be going to college in the fall.

The College Contraction Has Begun

Hamilton Nolan · 04/14/14 04:14PM

Last year, US college enrollment registered a notable decline for the first time in decades. The college boom had peaked. Now, the contraction begins.

South Carolina Idiots Terrified of Lesbians Recruiting Their Kids

Hamilton Nolan · 04/08/14 08:54AM

Though there are many fine people in the state of South Carolina, it is fairly uncontroversial to observe that the political class of South Carolina is the dumbest bunch of fucking hicks legally allowed to vote in the United States of America.

University of Iowa to Girls: Go Away

Hamilton Nolan · 03/28/14 08:49AM

HBO's Girls, a show in which the children of famous people play the children of non-famous people, ended its season this week with the lead character being accepted into the University of Iowa's Writer's Workshop. The University of Iowa has responded with: Do not come here.

Grad School Is a Debt Machine

Hamilton Nolan · 03/25/14 08:43AM

America's student debt burden has been on the rise for years, along with America's class of incredibly well-educated retail workers. A new report reveals who's driving the train to debt hell: grad students. Don't do it!

U. of Alabama Greeks Win Fight For Their Right to Be Racist Dicks

Adam Weinstein · 03/24/14 03:01PM

Last summer, the University of Alabama campus was rocked by allegations that the fabled Greek scene was racist. Well, not allegations: The school's all-white sororities rejected two women because they weren't white. The school's student Senate had a chance to fix things. But last week, they said "fuck it."

Only Officially Sanctioned Clit Art Is Allowed at Art School

Hamilton Nolan · 03/06/14 10:55AM

Santa Fe University of Art and Design boasts that it helps students to "develop their full artistic identities." Unless that artistic identity is not officially approved by the administration, in which case EVERYONE WILL BE PUNISHED. Especially if there are clits involved.

Adam Weinstein · 03/05/14 01:57PM

"I don't have to read the Heidegger assignment, because he was an angry anti-Semite Nazi" is now officially an acceptable response to your undergraduate existentialism professor.