
College Admissions Directors Are Very Comfortable With Your Huge Student Debt

Hamilton Nolan · 10/03/12 10:05AM

To briefly recap: America is currently in a student loan bubble, holding an unimaginably huge amount of student debt, as delinquency of loan payments swells, and even the well-off question whether they can afford college. It would seem, then, rather obvious that student loan debt is too big. Surprise: the people who control the higher education spigot—college admissions directors—disagree!

Is It Time to Loathe College Kid Farmers Yet?

Hamilton Nolan · 09/25/12 10:23AM

Trend science is a delicate art. The progression of a group or a place or an activity from "strange" to "offbeat" to "trendy" to "hateful" is one that can often only be precisely decoded by experts such as ourselves, or whatever other assholes have opinions on the internet. For example: we know for sure that urban farming is now a trend that can be classified as fully fauxhemian, and irrationally mocked accordingly. But what about kids who go to college, and then become farmers, out there in the country, where the farms are? Are they proper targets for our self-loathing turned outwards, yet?

Complaining About the Sex Lives of Yale Kids Considered Good Topic for Book

Hamilton Nolan · 08/23/12 04:49PM

If you don't have a book contract right this minute, you should very ashamed. Consider: Nathan Harden (pictured), a 2009 graduate of Yale, not only got a book contract, but has already written and published his book, and that book is about how bad it is that kids are into sex things at Yale—a topic that a professional book publishing house presumably considered sufficiently interesting to pay Nathan Harden U.S. currency, to write it.

Top 20 Party Schools, Top 20 Sober Schools All Sound Equally Horrible

Max Read · 08/20/12 05:34PM

We now take such things for granted, but it's important to remember that for hundreds of years after the fall of Rome, Europe underwent a long age of violence and terror, bereft of the wisdom and knowledge of the ancients, completely ignorant of which colleges were among the 20 Party Schools. We must consider ourselves lucky, then, that we live in an age where every year Princeton Review blesses us with a list of not just the Top 20 Party Schools but also a list of the Top 20 Stone-Cold Sober Campuses — a cornucopia of Schools We Would Never Want to Go To.

Even the Well-Off Find College Unaffordable Now

Hamilton Nolan · 08/09/12 09:42AM

This WSJ story today on the rising cost of college for the affluent is a cavalcade of shocking statistics about our current student debt crisis: the average price of a four-year college has more than doubled in real terms since 1985; three million households owe $50k or more in student loans, a number that's tripled since 1989, inflation-adjusted. When even the golf course set can't afford college, you know we have a problem.

If You Don't Want Your Daughter To Be a Little Asshole, Don't Send Her To Rushbiddies

Drew Magary · 07/17/12 03:20PM

In this world—the real world, where human beings are made of skin and bones and plasma—you are one of the many poor souls out there fighting to get (or keep) a job, to keep your bank account in the black just so that you can keep the water running and the lights on. You worry about the long-term future. How will I support a family? Is true success beyond the average American? Two decades from now, will I be even worse off than I am now? That's the real world.

College Students: Your School Is Pimping You Out to a Bank

Hamilton Nolan · 05/31/12 09:51AM

Why are banks so enthusiastic about marketing their products to college students? Because college students, like most young people, don't know shit about shit. But unlike most kids, they have some money (even if they borrowed it). That means they are easy marks, and lucrative ones. A college student might think: "My school will protect my financial interests." See? I told you they were easy marks.