
Hamilton Nolan · 10/08/13 10:49AM

A study found that universities with unionized graduate students not only paid their graduate students more, but "on various measures of student-faculty relations, the survey found either no difference or (in some cases) better relations at unionized campuses."

Harvard Goes Too Far in Rejecting Divestment

Hamilton Nolan · 10/04/13 10:10AM

There has been a growing movement of late to push colleges and universities to get rid of all their investments in fossil fuels, in the same way they were pushed to divest from holdings in apartheid South Africa a generation ago. Harvard has answered: no thx.

Who’s Pooping in Yale’s Laundry Rooms?

J.K. Trotter · 10/03/13 12:08PM

Yale University, a squirrel-less arrangement of faux-ancient stone buildings in southwestern Connecticut, has a major pooping problem. Since the beginning of September, someone—almost certainly a Yale student—has placed human feces, urine, and/or food in running dryers installed in Saybrook College, one of the university’s residential colleges. Now Yale’s own police force is hunting down the pooper.

Memo: CUNY is Moving David Petraeus Seminar to Avoid Protestors

J.K. Trotter · 09/30/13 12:33PM

The City University of New York has relocated David Petraeus’s fall seminar, titled “Are We on the Threshold of the North American Decade?”, to a more fortified campus building, under “increased” security, which will allow the former CIA chief to avoid a growing contingent of student protestors, six of whom were beaten and jailed by the New York City Police Department after last week’s demonstration.

Harvard Is So Rich

Hamilton Nolan · 09/25/13 10:59AM

Harvard, a school in Boston that your boss's boss went to, made Fortune 500 money last year. More profit than Target, and just less than AIG. Just how rich is Harvard?

J.K. Trotter · 09/23/13 09:42AM

Texas Senator Ted Cruz, the Princeton graduate, Obamacare-hater, and self-fashioned class warrior, apparently refused to study with students who graduated from the “minor Ivies”—Brown, Penn, Columbia and so forth—when attending Harvard Law School in the nineties. We’re assuming Cruz simply spat upon Williams alumni.

Hamilton Nolan · 09/19/13 11:23AM

The state of Delaware is mailing application info and fee waivers for elite colleges to every single poor high school senior with good grades in the state. Social engineering at its finest.

Professor Gives 25 Years to Teaching, Dies Broke

Hamilton Nolan · 09/19/13 09:14AM

Margaret Mary Vojtko was a longtime adjunct professor at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh. Earlier this month, she died penniless. She may have an even greater effect in death than in life.

How to Have Sex at Yale

Hamilton Nolan · 09/13/13 11:21AM

Yale University, America's sex palace, has issued a memo that attempts to clarify what constitutes "consensual" and "nonconsensual" sex. Immature readers may find this memo's hypothetical scenarios "hilarious," or even "ROFLMAO." Allow us to make things more clear.

Harvard Kids: Rich, Sexless Nerds

Hamilton Nolan · 09/06/13 11:53AM

Hello, there is a new survey out telling us EVERYTHING about the proud freshman class of Harvard. What are they like, these young, sexually frustrated leaders?

Are Hedge Funds Detrimental to College Idealism?

Hamilton Nolan · 09/06/13 10:14AM

College endowments are much flashier than they used to be. They frequently reach into the billions of dollars; they attract top investing talent; and, most notably, the majority of their money is in "alternative" investments like private equity and hedge funds. Is this hurting students' ability to be proper idealists?

The Vicious Circle of College Tuition

Hamilton Nolan · 09/05/13 04:16PM

Colleges have a problem. Their student-customers are having a harder time affording higher education. At the same time, government aid is being cut. So colleges raise prices. And then...wait a second.