
Teaching While Black and Blue

Shannon Gibney · 11/30/13 11:36AM

I. I am waiting for a letter to arrive in the mail. It will be short, no more than one page, and will be covered in black ink, with the occasional flourish of institutional logo. The signature at the bottom will belong to a high-ranking officer at my Midwestern college of 12,000 students, and the words that preface it will briefly explain the method and, more importantly, the verdict, of an almost three-week long investigation, in which students, faculty, and staff were questioned by the school’s legal staff as to if, in fact, I had committed acts constituting an official case of racial harassment.

Frat's "Colonial Bros and Nava-Hoes" Party Was Thanksgiving-Inspired

Adam Weinstein · 11/25/13 12:06PM

At the first Thanksgiving, the natives of this continent rescued white men by feeding them corn—or, as they called it, "maize." In gratefulness, white men now nourish us all with a fantasy about penetrating the underworld of the feminized exotic other—or, as they call her, "Slutty Pocahontas."

Lacey Donohue · 11/24/13 09:18PM

On Saturday, the NAACP called on prosecutors to upgrade the charges from misdemeanors to felonies in the San Jose State University racial hazing case. "This is not simple hazing or bullying," Reverend Jethroe Moore II said in a statement. "This is obviously racially based terrorism targeted at their African-American roommate."

Conservative College Kids Host “Catch an Illegal Immigrant” Game

J.K. Trotter · 11/18/13 03:00PM

The University of Texas-Austin’s Young Conservatives chapter, which “has been fighting for conservative values for more than a quarter century,” boasts of alumni like Senator Rand Paul and Congressmen Jeb Hensarling and Steve Stockman. We wonder what they think of the group’s latest stunt: A campus-wide game, called “Catch an Illegal Immigrant,” which rewards students who tackle designated Longhorns wearing “Illegal Immigrant” signs. Because they’re illegal immigrants. Get it?

Hamilton Nolan · 11/15/13 12:53PM

A study finds that almost all community college students drop out at least once, but most come back to school. However: "If you leave twice," the researcher said, "you're not going to come back."

Hamilton Nolan · 11/05/13 04:08PM

Enrollment of international students in US grad schools leaped by 10% this year. Which might just balance out the fact that the majority of first-generation American college students are not academically prepared for college.

Hamilton Nolan · 10/31/13 02:44PM

A study says that people whose Ph.D dissertations covered more than one field earn less money than "those who completed dissertations in a single field."

MIT Frat's Beer-Pong Table Is the Nerd-Broiest Thing in Nerd Broville

Camille Dodero · 10/11/13 03:10PM

Nerd Broville, a mesh-shorted seaside town with Call of Duty casinos and a high-speed party monorail, has a new Mayor. His name is Christian Reed, he's a member of MIT's Phi Beta Epsilon fraternity, and he has solved a problem that's plagued nerd bros for eons: the sticky balls (heh) and constant spillage (heh heh) that come along with those long, arduous nights of Olympic beer-pong feats.

Who’s Sabotaging College Admissions at This Elite NYC School?

J.K. Trotter · 10/11/13 12:52PM

Horace Mann School in New York City is well-known for its cut-throat, student-eat-student culture. According to Joe Coscarelli at Daily Intelligencer, one very enterprising (and very evil) student there kicked it up a notch by sending a letter to several colleges where one of his or her Horace Mann classmates is planning to apply, intending to torpedo the classmate’s chance of being accepted. (If you have a copy of this letter, or know what it contained, email us immediately.)

High School to Make Getting Into College a Graduation Requirement

Neetzan Zimmerman · 10/10/13 01:32PM

In addition to getting passing grades in all their subjects and maintaining a good attendance record, students of one school district in Oregon will be required to meet a third requirement if they wish to graduate high school: Get into college.